306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Injector Pump Change Video Guide (Bosch Conversion) - Printable Version

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Injector Pump Change Video Guide (Bosch Conversion) - darrenjlobb - 12-03-2012

Just another video guide, this time on how to change the injector pump.

Sorry its not quite as detailed / up close as most of my guides, but was a bit of a spur of the moment idea to film it, but should give most people the general idea.

Pump change guide:


Can be used in conjunction with my cambelt change guide, which will show the tensioner / cambelt side of it in more detail, and show how to do the belt / tensioners / water pump if you are doing both jobs at once.

Cam belt change guide:


Re: Injector Pump Change Video Guide (Bosch Conversion) - Dave - 12-03-2012

I should be doing work right now, assignment due in hour and a half.. and I just sat and watched all 26 minutes of that video, great stuff Big Grin

Re: Injector Pump Change Video Guide (Bosch Conversion) - silverzx - 12-03-2012

Wow, nice one Darren!

RE: Injector Pump Change Video Guide (Bosch Conversion) - puglove - 03-02-2013

Once again nice one darren, just putting my XUD back together and some good little hints&tips there

RE: Injector Pump Change Video Guide (Bosch Conversion) - Face. - 15-02-2013

You make it look so easy.
I know I would be there for days swearing and thinking(you couldn't of left it alone, could you?)

Cheers for the guide.