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Juddering and drinking fuel! - Printable Version

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Juddering and drinking fuel! - Nev - 09-01-2014

Evening all- first post so evening all.

I bought a 1999 306 Rallye a month or so ago and it's started to develop a strange problem. Its started to be very flat in the middle of the throttle- if you're travelling along at a steady speed it seems to cut in and out on the throttle. When you go full throttle it runs fine with no power loss at all, however there does appear to be a longer than usual delay before responding, if only small. The idle is nice and smooth too, it only does it when you're on part throttle.

It also drinks fuel, tonight whilst I was out i swear i could see the fuel guage going down! It doesn't smell of fuel really, however it does seem to blow a bit of white out the exhaust, not like water/blown HG white but probably rich fuel white, certainly smells that way. Doesn't use any oil or water either so that's out.

I did a search and couldn't find anything pointing to this problem- the common stuff like dirty/knackered ICV doesn't seem to apply as the idle is smooth. My thoughts are it could be something to do with the MAF, Lambda sensor or even perhaps coil packs, although the latter wouldn't necessarily make it drink fuel and it'd not do so well at wide open throttle.

Any ideas, before I start taking it apart?

Cheers, Nev.

RE: Juddering and drinking fuel! - Niall - 09-01-2014

Welcome Smile

Sounds like a lambda to me. Know anyone near by with peugeot planet or another good OBD kit?

RE: Juddering and drinking fuel! - Nev - 09-01-2014

(09-01-2014, 09:42 PM)Niall Wrote: Welcome Smile

Sounds like a lambda to me. Know anyone near by with peugeot planet or another good OBD kit?

Cheers Niall. I don't know anyone round here with an OBD, unless someone in Halifax has one? Undecided

RE: Juddering and drinking fuel! - Niall - 09-01-2014

Got a multimeter?

RE: Juddering and drinking fuel! - Nev - 09-01-2014

(09-01-2014, 10:13 PM)Niall Wrote: Got a multimeter?

Indeed, what's the best way to test it?

RE: Juddering and drinking fuel! - Niall - 09-01-2014



RE: Juddering and drinking fuel! - Nev - 09-01-2014

(09-01-2014, 10:41 PM)Niall Wrote: http://306oc.co.uk/forum/thread-67.html?highlight=testing+sensors


Rad! I'll give it a go.

I haven't had an EFI car in ages, Carbs are so much easier!