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Failing shock? Wasson here? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Failing shock? Wasson here? (/showthread.php?tid=20128)

Failing shock? Wasson here? - Tom - 04-01-2014


Noticed it earlier when i put the wheel back on. Doesnt seem to be bending at the trailing arm as much as twisting, but then its supposed to go round like that to count for bumps no? I cant turn the adjuster on the shock either to see if it'll firm up Sad The wheel that side has always scrubbed the arch on my side.

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - Jimbo - 04-01-2014

Axle bearings are f*cked....
New axle time

Saying that dunno if its moving.that much
Bit odd. Is it lowered

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - underground375 - 04-01-2014

Take the shock off. See if there's a good amount of resistance in it.

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - Tom - 04-01-2014

Its not twisting side to side like nackered bearings though, its only moving the way they're supposed to :/

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - mikey b - 05-01-2014

Undo the shock bolt at the bottom and c what it's like when of may be shock

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - darrenjlobb - 05-01-2014

Deffo no play in the tube to swing arm Tom?

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - Tom - 05-01-2014

(05-01-2014, 09:11 AM)darrenjlobb Wrote: Deffo no play in the tube to swing arm Tom?

Doesnt look like theres any bud, looks like its just swinging up and down as its supposed to. But then i dont think they're supposed that much that easy :/

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - zx_volcane - 05-01-2014

shocks set too soft?

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - Tom - 05-01-2014

Well that did occur to me but obviously the adjusters are stuck so i cant turn them and see what happens -.-

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - welshpug - 05-01-2014

AVO's are not great, and that looks completely buggered, get a set of standard 306 or xsara dampers on it, make sure theyrte the big bodied ones, you'll find the same dampers on a 5 door 1.4 as a gti6.

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - Alan_M - 05-01-2014

(05-01-2014, 07:11 AM)mikey b Wrote: Undo the shock bolt at the bottom and c what it's like when of may be shock

This. Disconnect the damper/shock from the arm. It'll point you in the right direction.

Have you tried dropping it to the floor, and jumping up and down on the rear? I'd imagine you'll find it hard to move the trailing arm up & down with just a tyre arm, particularly if those AVOs are set to hard. If you disconnect the shock, you might want to use a jack to pivot the arm. With the cars weight against it, you should get some movement....hopefully.

But, if there is rubbing then that's the tell-tale sign for worn bearings (camber /--\).

If it is buggered bearings, you'll want to sort it ASAP as 205 beam tubes are getting thin on the ground without paying top dollar. It's taken me a while to source a good one (I refuse to pay more than £100 for a frigging tube!).

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - Tom - 05-01-2014

I'd just get one machined on a lathe for me if it came to that...

That video was just one arm with that little cheap tyre bar thing and i could move it up probably an inch with ease to be honest.

So take the damper off and attempt to compress it by hand and see what happens?

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - Alan_M - 05-01-2014

(05-01-2014, 12:06 PM)Tom Wrote: I'd just get one machined on a lathe for me if it came to that...

That video was just one arm with that little cheap tyre bar thing and i could move it up probably an inch with ease to be honest.

So take the damper off and attempt to compress it by hand and see what happens?

Basically, yes. Get the car on stands, disconnect the shock and try to lift the trailing arm/tyre up.

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - Tom - 05-01-2014

Its obviously going to be easier without the shock in the way or no different at all...

RE: Failing shock? Wasson here? - Tom - 10-01-2014

[Image: IMG_20140109_133951_zpspc31pnyp.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20140109_133958_zpsj4g0injs.jpg]

They look pretty shot to me.