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Overheating? - Printable Version

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Overheating? - k3ogh - 03-01-2014

Ok so my daily traffic basher is overheating erratically it will get up to normal running temperature and then go up past 90 etc and then go right down to 70 at random, I'm thinking thermostat or coolant temp sender? It also blows hot and cold on the heater depending on the coolant temp.....

Really need a cheap fix as I do 1k miles a month in it for work, I can't see it being the head gasket as I done that not long back, anyone experienced this?

Cheers chris

RE: Overheating? - Piggy - 03-01-2014

This a 1.4??

What the oil cap like?

RE: Overheating? - k3ogh - 03-01-2014

Yup 1.4 fart box dude head gasket was done a while back, oil cap is fine dude

RE: Overheating? - Eeyore - 03-01-2014

well... if its genuinely not overheating then the theromostat must be wrong. If youre worried about it overheating put the fans on max heat and and max blow. Keeps it below 90. If youve got a heater matrix leak, blown headgasket or loosing water then it wont help though.

RE: Overheating? - k3ogh - 03-01-2014

I was doing that this morning I was cold then hot etc, pain in the ass :/ I think I'm going to swap out the stat and go from there although il test it in a pan first I think but for the sake of a tenner I swap it anyway...... If it was head gasket it would overheat and stay that way surely and not fluctuate? Car is on 92k and hasn't skipped beat except the usual stuff.... I really like the look of that cherry red hdi in the for sale section but at 1400 no chance! as said by padge jamma sold his epic one for less!

Regards Chris

RE: Overheating? - Daniel306 - 03-01-2014

"1400 no chance"

+1 to that, and iv been known to spend stupid money on crap

RE: Overheating? - shazilla - 03-01-2014

unplug temp sensor and check to see if fans work.
if they do then replace temp sensor!
if they don't then check voltage to fans the sensor unpluged.

RE: Overheating? - k3ogh - 03-01-2014

Il give it a whirl tomorrow weather dependent, I hope it's just the stat tho, yup I'd give him a grand tomorrow if he would take it :/

RE: Overheating? - shazilla - 03-01-2014

Also have you bleed the system?

RE: Overheating? - k3ogh - 03-01-2014

System was all done when the head gasket was done pal, I'm gunna flush it all out tomorrow inspect relevant parts and eliminate from there Smile

RE: Overheating? - k3ogh - 04-01-2014

Well didn't get anything done today as the wind and rain was howling all day! Always tomorrow

RE: Overheating? - Alan_M - 04-01-2014

Mine did this after I fitted a new matrix. A re-bleed on a fast idle sorted it.

RE: Overheating? - k3ogh - 04-01-2014

Il keep that in mind bud thanks for the input, hope the matrix ain't gone that would be a Cnut ! But as said before I think it's the stat, I won't be able to get one tommorow so I think il just take it out until I can get one,I ain't driving the scoobs daily or I'd be on bread and water for the rest of the month lol

RE: Overheating? - mikey b - 05-01-2014

As above I would try the thermostat first nice and cheap worth a try

RE: Overheating? - Alan_M - 05-01-2014

(04-01-2014, 11:39 PM)k3ogh Wrote: Il keep that in mind bud thanks for the input, hope the matrix ain't gone that would be a Cnut ! But as said before I think it's the stat, I won't be able to get one tommorow so I think il just take it out until I can get one,I ain't driving the scoobs daily or I'd be on bread and water for the rest of the month lol

It wasn't because the matrix had gone, more to do with it not being bled properly after fitting a new one. From what I remember, I did a bleed through with the bottle stuffed into the rad without the engine running. Then got it up to temperature (stat open), then bled through again at a fast idle (with bottle still in).

RE: Overheating? - Chris28190 - 10-01-2014

Thermostat is a good call. When I had overheating issues I just kept bleeding the system of air and it solved it for me