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Wanted: bosch lines - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Wanted: bosch lines (/showthread.php?tid=19773)

bosch lines - Jimbo - 21-12-2013

As title for xud
Have sourced a pump and injectors
Just need some lines
What u got??

RE: bosch lines - Jimbo - 22-12-2013

No one?? Damn I cant find any on ebay??
Can bend lucas lines to fit or no???

RE: bosch lines - Piggy - 22-12-2013

Would 1.9 nad lines fit?

RE: bosch lines - Jimbo - 22-12-2013

Id imagine the bosch Nad lines would fit??

RE: bosch lines - Piggy - 22-12-2013

Theres some on here in for sale section

RE: bosch lines - ginge191 - 23-12-2013

If fail, I have a set I can post once Xmas is out the way Smile

bosch lines - td_dan - 23-12-2013

Iv got some £10 posted

RE: bosch lines - Jimbo - 23-12-2013

Cheers ginge ill bear that in mind and drop you a pm if I struggle

And Dan you have pm Smile

RE: bosch lines - Dave - 24-12-2013

As said, get a couple of spanners out and re bend your Lucas ones as a quick fix.