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New wishbones?? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: New wishbones?? (/showthread.php?tid=19324)

New wishbones?? - Tom - 04-12-2013

The 205 needed a new ball joint but you can't buy just the balljoint, you have to buy a whole wishbone and they're a whopping 60quid each. And keeping with the if you do one side do the other rule, these 2 wishbones have cost me a lot Sad but my question is should I and how easy would it be to drive the bushes out of the new ones? The bones are made by qdrive. I have poly bushes in the current ones hence asking the question.

RE: New wishbones?? - Piggy - 04-12-2013

put up a pic of then

RE: New wishbones?? - Tom - 04-12-2013

[Image: IMG_20131204_144158_zps94f62872.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20131204_144207_zpse19893f8.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20131204_144212_zpsda1c12b7.jpg]

[Image: IMG_20131204_144233_zpsabf9d238.jpg]

RE: New wishbones?? - Piggy - 04-12-2013

I'd say a hacksaw, remove blade, put through the bush pin, re-attach the hacksaw handle ans cut through the bush and outer bush sleeve. Try not to cut into the wishbone

then the bush should tap out/hammer out.

clean it up, lots of copper slip and fit ya polys

RE: New wishbones?? - Alan_M - 04-12-2013

I used to burn the rubber with a blowtorch, when soft the inner sleeve pushes out. Then you can use the hacksaw to cut through the outer sleeve, being careful not to cut into the wishbone. Or, a good hard smack on the lip with a decent cold chisel usually deforms the sleeve enough to fall out.

RE: New wishbones?? - strictly_perv - 04-12-2013

Keep the stock ones in place. Those poly ones are hard as f*ck and made no difference to the handling and just made the harsh ride even worse IMO

RE: New wishbones?? - Alan_M - 04-12-2013

(04-12-2013, 11:07 PM)strictly_perv Wrote: Keep the stock ones in place. Those poly ones are hard as f*ck and made no difference to the handling and just made the harsh ride even worse IMO

The stock bushes in 205 wishbones tend to give up fairly quickly. General opinion amongst 205ers is that the OE Peugeot bushes are the best. Pretty sure you can get all the bushes/bolts/nuts/washers in a set to do both sides for under £20.

You'll need a press or a big-arse vice (and sockets) to press the new bushes in though.

RE: New wishbones?? - mr_fish - 06-12-2013

Seeing as the wishbones are new, I'd just drash on and fit them really....keep your polys if the bushes actually give up then fit accordingly.

RE: New wishbones?? - Tom - 06-12-2013

Had to in the end. Had a major f*ck on with one set of the poly bushes. The bolt had rusted solid to the metal sleeve in the bush. Heated it up a bit and beat it to f*ck, wouldn't move. Ended up burning the poly bush out with the blow torch and then more still before I could get the bolt to separate Sad