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Help im confused !!!! - Printable Version

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Help im confused !!!! - reckord - 21-11-2013

Was about to by ball joints for my hdi 3 door on a 1999 v reg from euro carparts .expecting 16mm they are sayin the system says my registration is coming up as 18mm
Do i go ahead and expect these to fit ?
Obviously im thinking 18mm is for gti6 after seeing so many people sell hub knuckles as upgrades when breaking a gti6 .

RE: Help im confused !!!! - cully - 21-11-2013

my Gti6 has 16mm Wink
measure them to be sure

RE: Help im confused !!!! - Toms306 - 21-11-2013

By phase 3 they should all be 18mm, but people change hubs etc so as cully says, best to measure them. Or if possible buy both and take back the ones you don't need.

RE: Help im confused !!!! - underground375 - 21-11-2013

I changed mine on my XS the part come up with 16mm but I new that wasn't the same looking at it, so I took the 18mm and it fitted Big Grin They don't always get it rite . Best thing to do is take the old one off and take it in the shop with you.

Re: Help im confused !!!! - reckord - 22-11-2013

I think im gonna buy em both then and take one bk
Thanks for the info Big Grin

RE: Help im confused !!!! - Dum-Dum - 22-11-2013

Ph3 HDi should be 18mm