306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Wanted: Bianca parts, HDI box! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Wanted: Bianca parts, HDI box! (/showthread.php?tid=18681)

Wanted: Bianca parts, HDI box! - Lolben91 - 07-11-2013


RE: Wanted: Bosch lines, injectors and gov - Lolben91 - 10-11-2013


Also after a phase 3 front bumper in POWP bianca white without fogs, passenger wing also in white and HDI box

Closer to Birmingham the better!

RE: Wanted: Bosch lines, injectors and gov - Lolben91 - 16-11-2013

Still in need!

RE: Wanted: Bosch lines, injectors, gov, Bianca parts, HDI box! - Paul_13 - 17-11-2013

Got some Bosch lines mate.

£15 delivered

Wanted: Bosch lines, injectors, gov, Bianca parts, HDI box! - zx_volcane - 17-11-2013

Have got injectors lines, injectors ..etc here

I'm practically in Birmingham

RE: Wanted: Bosch lines, injectors, gov, Bianca parts, HDI box! - karl1989 - 20-11-2013

I have a full Bosch set up and a HDI box

RE: Wanted: Bosch lines, injectors, gov, Bianca parts, HDI box! - Chris - 20-11-2013

Got a box here too.

RE: Wanted: Bosch lines, injectors, gov, Bianca parts, HDI box! - ozonehostile - 22-11-2013

I've got some bianca doors off a 5 door if that's any use

RE: Wanted: Bianca parts, HDI box! - Teddy - 26-11-2013

got a set off bianca white ph1 front and back bumper £20

RE: Wanted: Bianca parts, HDI box! - Lolben91 - 26-11-2013

Got lines, injectors and gov sorted
Chris and Karl youre a bit too far for me Sad
Im just after a phase 3 front Teddy, cheers though