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Pro Race 3,s on at last! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Pro Race 3,s on at last! (/showthread.php?tid=18377)

Pro Race 3,s on at last! - paul7278 - 27-10-2013

Well after selling my cyclones and speedlines I finally fitted my brand new Team Dynamic 15" Pro Race 3 wrapped in Toyo t1rs! I love it now my older cyclones I feel didn't quite suit the hard edges of a ph1!

[Image: DSC_0940.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0939.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0938.jpg]

[Image: DSC_0933.jpg]

RE: Pro Race 3,s on at last! - Piggy - 27-10-2013

bit lost in those pics but being my favourite wheel probably of all time...
they look ace Smile

RE: Pro Race 3,s on at last! - Matt - 27-10-2013

Can't stand black wheels, can't really see them in pics Sad

Bet they look good in the flesh though!

RE: Pro Race 3,s on at last! - paul7278 - 27-10-2013

phone camera is crap mate! but thanks I love em!

RE: Pro Race 3,s on at last! - laurence_13 - 27-10-2013

Looks awesome... one of my favorite wheels as well, very tidy

RE: Pro Race 3,s on at last! - puglove - 27-10-2013

Black wheels on a white 306 just dosnt go IMO :/