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question about compression - Printable Version

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question about compression - therefused - 01-10-2013

im just in the process of fitting my bosch pump, finally!

noticed i can turn the engine over with a rachet on the crankshaft pully fairly easily to be honest, i thought there should be alot of resistance when moving past tdc? was never that easy on motorbikes! and its a bigger engine.

this is the first car i have propperly tryed to modify so have no idea on how much compression it should have when turning the engine over, just dosnt seem alot

RE: question about compression - Piggy - 01-10-2013

I can turn a xud9 over with a spanner tbh

RE: question about compression - therefused - 01-10-2013

thanks mate, just assumed it should have more compression lol. im trying to find the hole behind the starter to lock the flywheel, has anyone got a picture of what im looking for? struggeling to find it, can you get to it without removing the starter?


RE: question about compression - adamm306 - 01-10-2013

i had a nightmare finding this the first time.. on videos they make it look so easy lol

RE: question about compression - londondan86 - 01-10-2013

For the first time its easier to remove the starter just so you can see what you are doing. After this a 6mm allen key works fine if you come in behind the starter next to the oil filler neck

RE: question about compression - therefused - 01-10-2013

yeh removed the starter made it quite ovious where to put the locking bolt was.

on the stop solinoid do you put a ign wire to the brown or black wire coming off the solinoid?

RE: question about compression - londondan86 - 01-10-2013

You just want a switched live straight to the top of the stop solenoid