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reversing sensors - Printable Version

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reversing sensors - Niall - 08-09-2013

No it's not for me! Missus has just bought a 206cc and she can't park for shit so wants reversing sensors. Anyone know of any decent kits? Want to be able to paint the sensors to match the bumper and don't want one of them stupid distance screens. Just want a tone.

RE: reversing sensors - Puggie - 08-09-2013

I used this kit on my 5 series was on the car over a year with no problems

RE: reversing sensors - Niall - 08-09-2013

Cheers bud. Will order some Smile

RE: reversing sensors - WiNgNuTz - 08-09-2013

Or you can get them in a range of colours:


Big Grin

EDIT: Kit also seems to come with a 3 year warranty. Wink

RE: reversing sensors - Toms306 - 08-09-2013

Maybe the money would be better spent on parking lessons......a 206 isn't exactly big! lol

RE: reversing sensors - Niall - 08-09-2013

Tom in all fairness, its a f*cking horrible thing to reverse. You cant see the top of the boot lid at all so it really is guessing game.

They drive well though. Think she hated me when i got it on 3 wheels than spun it into 3rd gear (shite front tyres few!)

RE: reversing sensors - Toms306 - 08-09-2013

Lol, fair enough then, the Vectra's the same with the bootlid, more luck than judgement not hitting things under about 3ft tall tbh! lol

RE: reversing sensors - cully - 09-09-2013

(08-09-2013, 09:37 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Lol, fair enough then, the Vectra's the same with the bootlid, more luck than judgement not hitting things under about 3ft tall tbh! lol

The Vectra is not the same it is Shit!

the wifes 206 is like a little rocket Kart on rails, i do like driving that even though its a girls car

RE: reversing sensors - pugjohn306 - 09-09-2013

(08-09-2013, 09:37 PM)Toms306 Wrote: Lol, fair enough then, the Vectra's the same with the bootlid, more luck than judgement not hitting things under about 3ft tall tbh! lol

Lol how incosiderate of vauxhall not to think of midgets when reversing lol..

RE: reversing sensors - Grant - 09-09-2013

You can get kits that go behind the bumper, and require no cutting of holes, ill dig out a link hang on..


RE: reversing sensors - Ed Doe - 09-09-2013

Niall, I literally cannot wait to see a picture of you in the cc...... Literally cannot wait

[Image: funny_silly_giraffe_in_a_car_commuting_p...vr_512.jpg]

RE: reversing sensors - Grant - 09-09-2013

lmao lmao lmao lmao

RE: reversing sensors - Niall - 09-09-2013

Lol ed I actually am like that driving it. I'm insured on it now so might borrow it for a few days to gay it up. It's actually really nice to drive. You just look like a raging flamer.