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Wanted: borbets for banded steels - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Wanted: borbets for banded steels (/showthread.php?tid=16962)

borbets for banded steels - kingy - 01-09-2013

Im looking for a set of banded steels anything over 8j.
Swop for my borbets.
7.5j 16 inch with 195.45.16 tyers. Still got tread but will need replacing soon.
Anyone interested?

RE: borbets for banded steels - cwspellowe - 01-09-2013

Hmm, good luck buddy. Between me and you i'd expect anyone wanting to swap would want cash their way too.

RE: borbets for banded steels - kingy - 01-09-2013

(01-09-2013, 10:03 PM)cwspellowe Wrote: Hmm, good luck buddy. Between me and you i'd expect anyone wanting to swap would want cash their way too.
Why? Borbets are an icon. Anyone can band steelies.

RE: borbets for banded steels - Connor - 01-09-2013

Anyone can borbet a 306, tbh theyre more common than steelies

RE: borbets for banded steels - kingy - 01-09-2013

(01-09-2013, 10:15 PM)Connor Wrote: Anyone can borbet a 306, tbh theyre more common than steelies


RE: borbets for banded steels - Connor - 01-09-2013

Yes. Who has banded steelies? Pellow^^ and fox_jism... I can think of more people with borbets

RE: borbets for banded steels - kingy - 01-09-2013

(01-09-2013, 10:21 PM)Connor Wrote: Yes. Who has banded steelies? Pellow^^ and fox_jism... I can think of more people with borbets

Challenge excepted.
Anyone on here got borbet in standard 108x4 fitment?
Anyone got banded steelies?

Mate, all I want is a swop. Not a debate.

RE: borbets for banded steels - Connor - 01-09-2013

No debate here, you can want what ever wheels you want, I was just saying that more people have had borbets than banded steelies

RE: borbets for banded steels - cwspellowe - 01-09-2013

I'm just saying that banded steels seem to go for around £400, I have a pal who was trying to shift his direct fit 16" A's for £300 and noone wanted them.

Just sayin'..

RE: borbets for banded steels - Just Sean - 01-09-2013

How much for the borbs?

RE: borbets for banded steels - kingy - 02-09-2013

Imo they seem to go for about the same price. Thats why I put swop. Ive seen bandeds go for as little as £180 and it looks like the average is about £300. And thats about what my borbets are worth.
In fact I've seen some 8j wella's for £280 brand new si might keep the bets and save up for them.

Just sayin....

RE: borbets for banded steels - Matt - 02-09-2013

(01-09-2013, 10:48 PM)Just Sean Wrote: How much for the borbs?

No no no no no no no no!

Put botbets on the Astor and I'll kill you

RE: borbets for banded steels - eddy_gti6 - 02-09-2013

You can get steels banded for £45 per wheel up to 15" and £50 per wheel for 16"

RE: borbets for banded steels - puglove - 02-09-2013

swapz for just steels TMI