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It's Friday! - Printable Version

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It's Friday! - cully - 23-08-2013


friday work til 3pm then pre op apointment
satarday day off chillin
sunday do as im told with the wife!

RE: ThAnk FeCk iTs FrIdAy - ozonehostile - 23-08-2013

Friday sitting around all morning waiing for the postoffice to open so I can tax the rallye then off to piggys to sort the 2.1 out

dont know about the rest of the weekend yet

RE: ThAnk FeCk iTs FrIdAy - Grant - 23-08-2013

Today - work till 11 the carry on underselling my car
Saturday - SOUTH WEST FOUR!!!!
Sunday - SOUTH WEAT FOUR!!!!!
Monday - recovery from the above

RE: ThAnk FeCk iTs FrIdAy - Ed Doe - 23-08-2013

Gah cannot believe the commitment to this thread in recent times! 6:15am and already procrastinating Cully, that's a top effort!! :p

Today: working, tonight watch the euro hockey
Saturday: maybe sort out my engine being collected, then clean the car
Sunday: probably go for a walk and pub lunch with mazz

ThAnk FeCk iTs FrIdAy - Jonny b - 23-08-2013

Today! Takin the kids ɑnd Missus to Warwick castle!!
Tomorow sorting out my car parts!! Ɑnd my mates getting his 700hp vxr8 back from walkinshaws so me him ɑnd my cuz are going out for a pootle about lol
Sunday. Feck all
Monday. Read above

RE: ThAnk FeCk iTs FrIdAy - Grant - 23-08-2013

Has everyone forgotten the bank holiday we have Monday?

RE: ThAnk FeCk iTs FrIdAy - Ed Doe - 23-08-2013


I keep forgetting!! Probably relax and mess about the house tbh. Garden needs sorting out, shed needs clearing, there's plenty to be doing!!!

RE: ThAnk FeCk iTs FrIdAy - WiNgNuTz - 23-08-2013

Today: Half day working for a mate of mine, then out on the piss tonight for the missus' birthday
Saturday: Hangover most likely, then going out with the missus for a meal
Sunday: Probably feck all during the day, working in a bar in the evening.
Monday: Picking my kids and my brother up, then we're going to Stoke-on-Trent to see my sister for a week. Oh, and go to Alton Towers for free. Tongue

RE: ThAnk FeCk iTs FrIdAy - Grant - 23-08-2013

(23-08-2013, 07:07 AM)Ed Doe Wrote: LAWWWWD REKUS!! It's a BANK HOLIDAY!!

I keep forgetting!! Probably relax and mess about the house tbh. Garden needs sorting out, shed needs clearing, there's plenty to be doing!!!

You can come round mine and help change my cambelt Smile

Foob-killington will be there

RE: ThAnk FeCk iTs FrIdAy - 1616six - 23-08-2013

Today: work 9-6
Saturday: dog show with Fenton
Sunday: off to the coast
Monday: no idea yet

Also got the whole of next week off Big Grin

RE: ThAnk FeCk iTs FrIdAy - 4WayDiablo - 23-08-2013

Damn mines depressing
Today 10hr shift
Saturday 7hour shift
Sunday 10 hour shift
Monday 7hr shift but double time :-)

RE: It's Friday! - Niall - 23-08-2013

Today. Work Sad hopefully leaving early as I was onsite. Till 10 last night. Tonight, go and see a ginger Renault driving faggot and play with his hard pipe
Tomorrow SW4!!!!
Sunda same
Mo day recovering

RE: It's Friday! - samass - 23-08-2013

It's not a bank holiday in Scotland Sad

RE: It's Friday! - Chris_90 - 23-08-2013

today: got first appointment with personal trainer then work at 5pm
Saturday: scrap yard so i can collect some bits for the pug then work at 5pm
Sunday: chill out maybe clean the gf's car if i can be arsed work at 5pm
Monday: gym then chill then work at 5pm

RE: It's Friday! - Pete - 23-08-2013

Bank holiday don't mean shit to me at the moment! Off to Whitby for afew days with the missus, stops her nagging as theres no big holiday this year. Paints arrived for the van too, so I'm hoping to start that soon.

RE: It's Friday! - Pompey306mark - 23-08-2013

Friday: work, then pack.
Sat: work on car.
Sun: go to Somerset for the week.

RE: It's Friday! - daddyfixit - 23-08-2013

fri mind 2 x sick kids
sat couple of jobs to sort
sun fancy going to a car boot
mon just talking about going the lake disrtict about 07.00, in time for brekkie in windermere ????

RE: It's Friday! - Carlos182 - 23-08-2013

Today - Work plus sort Coombe Big Grin
Tomorrow - Work then ninja
Sunday - Work
Monday - Work
Tuesday - SLEEP!

RE: It's Friday! - Matt - 23-08-2013

Today: got tomatoes, watched how high, now sat with a lesbian?
Tonight: continue
Saturday up early. Time to be manager again, got a mini festival to set up and play. Then playing a pub in the evening which could open up a few potential gigs on the mainland! So could start getting somewhere Smile
Sunday. 6am Carboot! See what I can sell Smile and see what I can resist buying! Haha
Sunday lunch at the flat mates, play with car abit.
Monday: work on car a little more, got wiring and switches to go in for various things Smile