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Skip diving pays off - Printable Version

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Skip diving pays off - cully - 18-08-2013

ha ha love a bit of skip diving, rummaging round and dragging crap home

Payday came early this week
i now have a pressure washer
just took a little repair and its all good

so today its car wash sunday Big Grin


and i think i need a garage sale anyone want anything i cant get in there anymore!


RE: Skip diving pays off - Mattcheese31 - 18-08-2013

impressive garage dude . .Big Grin

RE: Skip diving pays off - Just Sean - 18-08-2013

Love the white one with a clean mate!

RE: Skip diving pays off - Toms306 - 18-08-2013

What a load of crap!! Tongue

RE: Skip diving pays off - bigcheez2k3 - 18-08-2013

Proper man's garage Cool

RE: Skip diving pays off - Dum-Dum - 18-08-2013

LOL i need shelves for my garage as i also have it filled with crap.

My most impressive skip dive was my technics stereo (had it 10 years and its still going strong) and a ton of bike bits out of halfords skip (used to be in there with the lads every weekend)

RE: Skip diving pays off - jamin008 - 19-08-2013

Good work! Round here you need get in the queue for first dibs

Skip diving pays off - devils_fuel - 19-08-2013

Ha ha cullys bat or mancave lol

RE: Skip diving pays off - C.A.R. - 19-08-2013

Don't you feel a bit of a 3.14
[Image: 119498577810047030key_juliane_krug_01.svg.med.png]

RE: Skip diving pays off - jamin008 - 19-08-2013


RE: Skip diving pays off - Danny2009 - 19-08-2013

And you all say northerners are tight!

RE: Skip diving pays off - pugjohn306 - 19-08-2013

(18-08-2013, 12:24 PM)cully Wrote: ha ha love a bit of skip diving, rummaging round and dragging crap home

Payday came early this week
i now have a pressure washer
just took a little repair and its all good

so today its car wash sunday Big Grin

and i think i need a garage sale anyone want anything i cant get in there anymore!
lol that pic looks like one of them stupid games of facebook find ten things before you progress to the next level lol..

RE: Skip diving pays off - Dum-Dum - 19-08-2013

(19-08-2013, 09:25 AM)C.A.R. Wrote: Don't you feel a bit of a 3.14
[Image: 119498577810047030key_juliane_krug_01.svg.med.png]

(19-08-2013, 09:42 AM)jamin008 Wrote: cryptic!

Not really. 3.14 is the mathematical number from Pythagoras called ??

The picture below is bloody obvious

Put them together and find your answer

RE: Skip diving pays off - 306Dan - 19-08-2013

you need to skip dive at race tracks, all the cool stuff gets binned for no reason

RE: Skip diving pays off - cully - 19-08-2013


yes i may be related to Dum-Dum distantly Big Grin

anyway youve ashamed me into clearing out the garage
theres a bigger pile outside to skip than inside to keep
i have shelf space for 306 bits Smile

RE: Skip diving pays off - THE_Liam - 19-08-2013

Literally just last week got a half-decent GT BMX out of a skip, few dents and dings and a missing seat. Put a seat on it then rode it down a big hill near my house pissed...

RE: Skip diving pays off - darrenjlobb - 19-08-2013

Im glad im not the only one who starts digging thro skips when walking past, even if out on "dressed up" occasions Wink

RE: Skip diving pays off - tigerstyle - 19-08-2013

The only thing better than skips? Scrapyards!

RE: Skip diving pays off - THE_Liam - 19-08-2013

(19-08-2013, 08:58 PM)darrenjlobb Wrote: Im glad im not the only one who starts digging thro skips when walking past, even if out on "dressed up" occasions Wink

And then chucking stuff in the nearest hedgerow for later retrieval? No you're not the only one mate Wink