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photoshop please - Printable Version

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photoshop please - rtha6551 - 18-08-2013

could someone please photoshop my car lowered? Smile

just so it sits well on the arches, probably a bit harder cause its on 40 profiles on 16s (bad enough ride already -.-)

[Image: 1174688_209460299217511_340433968_n.jpg]

thanks Smile

photoshop please - Alee83 - 18-08-2013

TRACTOR...! Big Grin Needs lowering for sure!

RE: photoshop please - rtha6551 - 18-08-2013

(18-08-2013, 12:31 PM)Alee83 Wrote: TRACTOR...! Big Grin Needs lowering for sure!

Ahaha! Those tyres make it look even worse too, had people asking me why I've taken the 15" clones off for some 14" ones lol! :p

Re: photoshop please - WiNgNuTz - 18-08-2013

Holy shit, that's properly on stilts isn't it! If no one gets there before me, I'll have a look at doing this for you when I get home. Smile

RE: photoshop please - WiNgNuTz - 18-08-2013

[Image: Untitled-1_zps127de32a.jpg]

RE: photoshop please - rtha6551 - 18-08-2013

(18-08-2013, 02:32 PM)WiNgNuTz Wrote: [Image: Untitled-1_zps127de32a.jpg]

Ahh cheers mate! Looks like I'll be needing some bigger tyres lol!

Repped Smile

RE: photoshop please - kingy - 18-08-2013

Ooooo thats much better. Start saving kid.