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Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Printable Version

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Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Kieron G - 17-08-2013

Hi All

Thought I would share with you what I have been upto with my Ph2 1. D Turbo

[Image: 20130701_200512.jpg]

Its very much a work in progress as this is a second car. I was hopeing to have made faster progress but my main car drank alot of my spare cash on mot day £510! Please note that my knowledge of working on cars is very limited but I try to do as much research as pos before I dive in and my bro is a mechanic so he helps me when I get stuck.

Anyway I only got the car 2 months ago and it has done 140k so was looking extremely tired! I have mainly been doing the interior, i have stripped it all out it is suprising how much crap has accumalted in it.

[Image: 20130727_072955.jpg]
[Image: 20130727_073009.jpg]
[Image: 20130721_101958.jpg]

I have replaced every bulb on the car for new ones, colour coded the center dash, Fitted white lockwood dials and a boost gauge into the center air vent (I bought the center air vent pod from gareth) The sunroof unit was missing its cover so i had to buy a replacment. The only one available was a different colour so i had to respray the whole unit to match.

[Image: 20130804_181442.jpg]
[Image: 20130809_194753.jpg]
[Image: 20130806_200833.jpg]
[Image: 20130809_205623.jpg]
[Image: 20130810_151921.jpg]

I have used silent coat on the rear quaters, Arches and front doors inc outer skin which was a pain in the ass to reach everywhere. I have yet to see how good it is due to the car not being on the road yet. I have also coated the floor, rear quaters & arches with cloud 9 underlay.

[Image: 20130812_180306.jpg]
[Image: 20130816_193047.jpg]

I have started to run the cables thought for the stereo. I have put 170mm 300w pionner in the front, Vibe slick 6 in the rear quaters and vibe 6x9's in the shelf. I have fitted the 6x9's under the original grills to try and keep a factory look.
I have 2 sub's in the boot 1 12" & 1 10". I have a pionner head unit but with only 1 pre out i have going to have to put a rca convertor on one of the speaker out put for the amp for the speakers. The subs will just be daisey chained

[Image: 20130816_193102.jpg]
[Image: 20130816_194316.jpg]


I have fitted 17" and will be lowering it this weeked 40mm with the help of my bro. I have a eccosse kit for it but It will be later in the year before I get around to it.


Its bog standard at the mo, I will be looking at squeezing some more power out of it but i need to do some reading before I start on it.

I think thats it for now, Any help or advice that is constructive will be welcome with open ar
ms. I know realise it wont be to everybody's taste but if we all had the same life would be dull

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Matt - 17-08-2013

Looking good so far mate. With regards to power, check over the xud section, a lot of guides there for tuning this engine. Also please don't fit the eccose kit. It's so chavy

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Frosty - 17-08-2013

Looks like your putting a lot of effort into this which is good to see.

Did the dials come off a petrol 306?

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Kieron G - 17-08-2013


Thanks for the replys

The eccosse kit is just the one with a slighter lower back bumper and front bumper has the 2 spots at the bottom, The spoiler is just the flared one with slim skirts. I wouldn't fit a crazy kit as had a dimma kit on my last ph1 so moved on a little from them. I will have a read up on the xud section.

The dials are lockwood d turbo one's. They were £21 delivered

cheers chaps

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Jenkosowls - 17-08-2013

Pics of the dimma!

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Mattcheese31 - 17-08-2013

(17-08-2013, 10:15 AM)Kieron G Wrote: Hi

Thanks for the replys

The eccosse kit is just the one with a slighter lower back bumper and front bumper has the 2 spots at the bottom, The spoiler is just the flared one with slim skirts. I wouldn't fit a crazy kit as had a dimma kit on my last ph1 so moved on a little from them. I will have a read up on the xud section.

The dials are lockwood d turbo one's. They were £21 delivered

cheers chaps
wrong dials . . .redline should be at 5k . .Smile

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Kieron G - 17-08-2013

I will have a sive through some old pics for my old ph1 with dimma kit but it was 9yr ago. Darn about the dials! its only the rev so I will change them once I get to the end of my list of jobs lol I can live with it for now

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Kieron G - 17-08-2013

After readig through some threads I have just ordered new Battery cables to double up existing cables and Also ordered some mist jets. Made sure they are the ones ending in V8 so i hope they are correct

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Kieron G - 20-08-2013

Well a small update.

The car has now been lowered and I have fitted extra cables 1 pos from batt to alt 2 2 x earths 1 from batt to chasis and 2 from alt to chasis
I also now have all the interior back in dash all done plus all stereo fitted expt subs and amps but cables are in the boot ready.

I will start reading up now on the engine threads on how to raise boost ect and what is safe. I tested it earlier and it is only boosting at 12 which must be factory standard?

[Image: 20130820_193913.jpg]

[Image: 20130820_193938.jpg]

[Image: 20130820_194006.jpg]

[Image: 20130820_193759.jpg]

all the best

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Jimbo - 20-08-2013

Wheels wont be to everyones taste but there not too bad.fairplay for being different
Cant help but think it needs some sideskirts though

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - WiNgNuTz - 20-08-2013

Dare V2's aren't they? Tbh, they dont look TOO bad, needs moar lows though.

And you're right, factory standard is about 12-14psi, you can ramp that up a little though, even on the Lucas pump. Mines still on the Lucas, and is making ~18psi at the moment. Oh, and lose the gas strut thingy thats on the throttle arm, you'll get much better throttle response then. It should just pop off. Big Grin

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Grant - 20-08-2013

I didn't think the colour coded centre would look much cop but it seems to work quite well. Nice progress Smile

RE: Ph2 D Turbo revamp - Kieron G - 21-08-2013

Thanks for the kind feedback, I realise things won't be to everyone's taste. I am happy how the colour coding turned out. I used yellow blaze on it to try and make it look as factory as possible. If it had been the same colour as the dash I would have left it but it was silver and didn't match anything. I do have a new bumpers, skirts and spoiler to go on but as its a second car it will have to wait till I have more spare cash as no doubt it won't be cheap.
Cheers for the heads up on the throttle mod I will get on it soon so get chance.