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trim doors - Printable Version

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trim doors - Seid' - 19-02-2012

Hii, anybody can tell me how i can take out the trims of the doors?

Cumps. Wink

Re: trim doors - Pompey306mark - 19-02-2012

If you are talking about the exterior trim just pull it. If you mean the interior door cards, unbolt a few things then just pull.

Re: trim doors - Seid' - 19-02-2012

yes its the exterior. Thanks! Wink

trim doors - MarkTD - 19-02-2012

Just get a screwdriver and cover the tip with tape so you don't damage the paint and flip it off.

Re: trim doors - mark_airey - 19-02-2012

Just make sure you get yourself some spares before you start of you plan on refitting them!