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rear hub bearings - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: rear hub bearings (/showthread.php?tid=16387)

rear hub bearings - jays306 - 11-08-2013

hi, just renwed the rear brakes today & the threads which the wheels bolt go into on n/s rear hub are fu-bard can i re-tap them out or is it a case for renewal, the bearing is fine, also how hard is the job & are there any precautions i should take before i attack it. cheers

forgot to mention its disc brake on hdi

RE: rear hub bearings - Bender - 15-08-2013

Yes you can, just depends on how bad they are. Only you know how bad they are, up to you whether to spend the cash on a tap or new hub.

RE: rear hub bearings - Piggy - 15-08-2013

bearing/hub arent that expensive and as long as you have a puller its not tricky

RE: rear hub bearings - titch - 15-08-2013

I have just replaced both on my hdi and it is not that difficult took less than an hour a side and that was with a tea break! As Piggy said you will need a puller and on mine it came off quite easily, but left the inner race of the bearing still on the shaft so i just used the puller behind that and it came off easily too.

If it was me i wouldn't want to mess about trying to re tap it as it is a very important thread you don't want your wheel coming off!!
But then that's up to you.

They are not that expensive when i got mine they ranged from about 50 quid up to about 80 quid.

And if you don't have a puller they are pretty cheap too.

RE: rear hub bearings - jays306 - 15-08-2013

Cheers for the replys but i have replaced it a couple of days ago with a new part cost me £37 Smile , not worth messin with old 1. I took some pics while i was doing the job so i can do my first guide for site.

Re: rear hub bearings - bigtone0777 - 15-08-2013

I know your sorted bit just for future I had damaged threads on one of mine but as it wasn't totally knackered I ran a thread chaser through a little bit at a time with lots of light oil and it's now perfek Smile