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Heater matrix rubber grommet - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Heater matrix rubber grommet (/showthread.php?tid=1631)

Heater matrix rubber grommet - Daniel306 - 18-02-2012

Any tips for getting the matrix grommet back in to the bulkhead?

Re: Heater matrix rubber grommet - Niall - 18-02-2012

Lots of lube. You could also try heating it lightly with a hair dryer.
The word to discribe that grommet is SHIT!!

Re: Heater matrix rubber grommet - silverzx - 18-02-2012

Ended up butchering mine with a pair of scissors and using half a tub of vaseline.

I feel your pain.

Just don't give up!

You might find that getting someone either side of it helps, one person in the car and one leaning over the bay..