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Brake hose front caliper 306 hdi - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Brake hose front caliper 306 hdi (/showthread.php?tid=1620)

Brake hose front caliper 306 hdi - Welshy_Pete - 18-02-2012

Ive noticed on the driver side front brake hose for front caliper has got cracks in it. So I need to change this soon my self. Ive found one on the link is that the correct one I need.

306 hdi 1999 with abs.

http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/PEUGEOT-306-2 ... 1e67f21fb2

Re: Brake hose front caliper 306 hdi - puglove - 21-02-2012

says it is on the ad :p