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Best beverage for working on a car? - Printable Version

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Best beverage for working on a car? - ADV_93 - 01-08-2013

I'd have to nomin8 either a good coffee or a freezing cold glass of ice tea

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Midnightclub - 01-08-2013


RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Just Sean - 01-08-2013

Got to be a few cans of lager!!

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - ozonehostile - 01-08-2013

Coffee. It just works.

Monster is also good for when you are without kettle access

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - rtha6551 - 01-08-2013

milk, as odd as it sounds haha

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Dum-Dum - 01-08-2013

If its a hot day freezing cold Irn Bru (got a 3 pint tankard) If its Cold a bucket of Tea out a nice thick mug (thicker the mug the better it keeps the heat).

I wont drink beer (unless its a quick job) as that makes you need a piss and I don't wanna have to put my tools away every half hour.

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Pete - 01-08-2013

Strong tea, 2 sugars FTW

Re: RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - vlj - 01-08-2013

(01-08-2013, 02:53 PM)Pete Wrote: Strong tea, 2 sugars FTW

Spot on!

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Niall - 01-08-2013

Coffee on a cold day. Day like today is either a beer if I'm not driving or a pint of orange juice with loads of ice if I am! Got to change my lambda sensor when I get home so I think the first one will apply tonight :p

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - kingy - 01-08-2013


RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - mr_fish - 01-08-2013

The couple weeks before FCS (in the heat wave) working on the car was a nightmare in the shed. Was a right oven. Resulted in dunking my head in the drinking trough. So with that....water 90% of the time. Big Grin

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - ADV_93 - 01-08-2013

Nice suggestions, got a bit of work to do on the car tomorrow so will bare all of these in mind (although i hate working in heat) makes you stress faster that's for sure

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Grant - 01-08-2013

(01-08-2013, 03:15 PM)kingy Wrote: Stella.


RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Anton - 01-08-2013

As above

Stella Artois

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Piggy - 01-08-2013

MaccyDs strawberry milkshake

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Jonny81191 - 01-08-2013

Veg oil.. lol

Strong tea. No sugar.

And bacon butties or toasties or bbq need to be in steady supply

Re: Best beverage for working on a car? - kentiiboii - 01-08-2013

Well been doing my roof wrap today. And I usualy grab whats cold in fridge. So few cans thats left over from fcs. Usualy ends up being milk. We dont keep pop in fridge no room.

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Chris_90 - 01-08-2013

Normally milk, but with this heat I've just been haveing tap water make sure you run tap tho cos other wise it's red hot lol

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - samass - 01-08-2013

Grape soda is the tits

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Tom - 01-08-2013

Strong tea 2 sugar LADS!

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Toms306 - 01-08-2013

Nothing, it'd get full of flies/dust/dirt and all sorts of other shit that's about whilst doing car work. lol

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Midnightclub - 01-08-2013

So, you've never heard of a bottle then tom?

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Toms306 - 01-08-2013

How many of you are drinking tea and coffee from a bottle? Confused

Small bottles of drink cost too much anyway lol.

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - ADV_93 - 01-08-2013

Note wrong with a bit of engine dirt in ya tea, put hairs on ya chest

Re: RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - kentiiboii - 01-08-2013

(01-08-2013, 04:55 PM)ADV_93 Wrote: Note wrong with a bit of engine dirt in ya tea, put hairs on ya chest


RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Toms306 - 01-08-2013

I'm fine without a hairy chest lol.

In all seriousness though, I can't drink at all while I'm out of the house, OCD FTL lol.

Re: Best beverage for working on a car? - Puggie - 01-08-2013

Good old fashioned water

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Niall - 01-08-2013

(01-08-2013, 04:32 PM)samass Wrote: Grape soda is the tits

Who likes grape soda????

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Dum-Dum - 01-08-2013

(01-08-2013, 05:06 PM)Niall Wrote:
(01-08-2013, 04:32 PM)samass Wrote: Grape soda is the tits

Who likes grape soda????


(I know the answer is Kel but i fancied ruining your game)

RE: Best beverage for working on a car? - Niall - 01-08-2013

Was kinda after a answer along the lines of "f*ck off you wanker!!!"