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clutch concerns, CG Clutches, legends...group buy!? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: clutch concerns, CG Clutches, legends...group buy!? (/showthread.php?tid=15989)

clutch concerns, CG Clutches, legends...group buy!? - Piggy - 30-07-2013

There is no transmission section, or 2.1 section, so this is going in here!

I have a brand new valeo all built into the 2.1 engine and its a pull type XUD clutch in a HDI box.

But Ozone is running the same and is now getting slip in all gears, despite being a standard turbo and 9mm pump.....

its concerning me!

So, I think I am going to need something beefier...

unfortunately at this stage in the project, and my life, I dont have £300-400 quid to chuck at a clutch.

this was one I had, apparently it takes stage 2 HDi tunes, I could convert the Hdi box back to Hdi fitment!


I have emailed CG clutches, but they are around the £230 mark, still bankruptcy type price for me

RE: clutch concerns, what and where from? - Poodle - 30-07-2013

Could always go for an uprated pressure plate, that way you dont have to waste your nice, new valeo.

RE: clutch concerns, what and where from? - Chris - 30-07-2013

Just get a 4 paddle unspung centre from CG which is around £130 and use your existing pressure plate.
Had a few mates run these on there HDI's without issues.

RE: clutch concerns, what and where from? - Piggy - 30-07-2013

(30-07-2013, 12:34 PM)Chris Wrote: Just get a 4 paddle unspung centre from CG which is around £130 and use your existing pressure plate.
Had a few mates run these on there HDI's without issues.

CG website, cheapest paddle they do for the 306 hdi is £228??!

RE: clutch concerns, what and where from? - Chris - 30-07-2013

Your running a XUD clutch no? So sense would see it that you need a XUD friction disc?
Ring them up IIRC its a 215mm plate with 18 splines (DT and GTi fitment) as it wont be listed separate on there site.

RE: clutch concerns, what and where from? - Piggy - 30-07-2013

Ah, ok, so just the friction plate...that makes sense, the full clutch is £228.

I have emailed them, so will see what they say and follow up with that idea, thanks chris.

Does leave me with a brand new valeo friction plate though which is pretty useless.

If I buy an entire new clutch, I could sell the valeo surely?!

RE: clutch concerns, what and where from? - Chris - 30-07-2013

Yes you could.
Although I've always bought my valeos for less than I could buy the cover plate for elsewhere so doesnt make sense for me to do it any other way.

RE: clutch concerns, what and where from? - Pompey306mark - 30-07-2013

Clutch kit.


RE: clutch concerns, what and where from? - Piggy - 30-07-2013

thanks mark, that is just over £250 though! Doh

ok chris, well they have replied and looking into it for me!

RE: clutch concerns, what and where from? - Pompey306mark - 30-07-2013

I know but thought I would post it so you knew.

RE: clutch concerns, what and where from? - Piggy - 31-07-2013

Legendary boys at CG Clutches.

Cant rate them enough after talking to Mick. If you need advice etc about what to run, call them!!!

Basically, he can provide a driveplate to go with my valeo cover, kevlar is £80 and dual friction is £130. Both rated well over 400ft lbs or torque...the weak link is the cover basically.
They are also not paddle, so you dont get the aggressive bite.

If I send him a flywheel...which I have one spare...he will build me a clutch up to take up to 500ft lbs for £250.

He can do that for pull or push type. But at that rating he rekons I should consider a hydro slave setup...obviously for more money...due to the extra force needed to push the cover plate!

But for others out there considering bigger power XUDs and HDis, all this maybe helpful....

My conclusion is to probably buy the kevlar plate, get the car setup and running sweet, then downtune it for winter...I am thinking 300ft lbs of torque on wet, cold, icey roads and I may not even move...so I will save up and send him the fly to build me a mean clutch! Smile

PS CG number is 01132426359

PPS if others are interested in having an awesome fast road non paddle clutch built up to hold a fricking huge level of torque...it would fit the gti and the xud...then let me know, maybe can order a few and get the £250 price down a bit

RE: clutch concerns, CG Clutches, legends...group buy!? - Poodle - 01-08-2013

Thanks fella, but cg havent exactly got a stellar rep. They always get great reviews from anyone dealing with them right up to the point where they receive the product/start having problems, I suspect the trick is excellent salesmen. I hope they've improved recently.

RE: clutch concerns, CG Clutches, legends...group buy!? - darrenjlobb - 01-08-2013

No complaints regarding my CG clutch, not for value for money anyway.

Cant say for the "long haul" as never done mega miles, but for holding power / taking serious clutch abuse, cant fault it, so much so given the lack of funds due to other parts being so expensive, ill likely be re using it on the new engine...even tho half the clutch is melted onto the flywheel, lol!

RE: clutch concerns, CG Clutches, legends...group buy!? - Piggy - 01-08-2013

£250-300 gets me a panther paddle... then I am guna be going with a custom made CG one made to my specs for £250!
Ive decided to save me £80 towards the full clutch and just run the valeo in meantime...should get me through winter with torque wound down