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Guess what we have been doing today - Printable Version

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Guess what we have been doing today - HDIkyle - 15-02-2012

[Image: 423189_10151283793125392_726150391_23104...0151_n.jpg]

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - Scott - 15-02-2012

Taking photos of rubbish?

Destroying miniature models of cities made from wood?

I'm all out of guesses Sad

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - THE_Liam - 15-02-2012

Taking photos of random bollocks? lol

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - HDIkyle - 15-02-2012

That aswell Liam yes but not the main aim of the day

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - cully - 15-02-2012

destroying wasp nests

Guess what we have been doing today - Jonny b - 15-02-2012

Fuckme cully that was a bigun haha

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - Strikeforce - 15-02-2012


Re: Guess what we have been doing today - mark_airey - 15-02-2012

Smashing the internals out of a DPF by the looks of it! Big Grin

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - HDIkyle - 15-02-2012

Thanks to Sam and a touch of bashing, cutting, hammering and welding....

[Image: 402742_10151284905550392_726150391_23107...4860_n.jpg]

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - Fozzy - 15-02-2012

Sorry to dissapoint some HDi cats can be worth up to £200 in scrap

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - HDIkyle - 15-02-2012

Only the ones with certain codes IIRC. But its far too much hassle to get it out and much easier to smash it with a pole Lol

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - Fozzy - 15-02-2012

yeah i rang up scrappers and they told me the code, but unfortunately mine wasn't Sad

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - HDIkyle - 15-02-2012

Cant remember what mine is but its a Oval one and i'm sure the good ones are round?

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - Moonstone2.0 - 16-02-2012

Arnt the good ones with metal mesh inside. Mine is, I tried to bash out the insides and got all tangeled in a golden wool. Anyway put it back on Tongue Shame it wasnt just honeycomb

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - 4WayDiablo - 16-02-2012

Decat yo!

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - HDIkyle - 16-02-2012

Maybe yes this was just like ceramic, also had alot of white fluff stuff. Not really drove much only down road but it makes a awesome noise. I'd ideally like it abit louder but it puts a smile on my face already Big Grin Went over a bridge on boost a and lass turn round like someone had throw shit at her Lol.

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - 4WayDiablo - 17-02-2012

Haha do stuff like that see people then hoon it. Usually leaving them in a cloud of soot.
Another good one is a loud DV usually shits people up

Re: Guess what we have been doing today - Jake - 04-03-2012

You manage to get it all out? I though I did when I had my HDi and then tried putting a stone though and it didn't come out the other end lol, was funny watching it get started up after though, spitting bits of honeycomb everywhere