306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Newbie - Printable Version

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Newbie - Philhdi - 23-06-2013

Hi I'm new to this site and hope it's az good az the gti6/rallye site woz and verry helpfull on advise and so on thanks.

RE: Newbie - Herby7 - 23-06-2013


RE: Newbie - Scott - 23-06-2013

Welcome to the club Smile

RE: Newbie - pugjohn306 - 23-06-2013

Welcom bud.

RE: Newbie - Connor - 23-06-2013

Please stop using z instead of s and o instead of a. If you can manage that you'll get on just fine here

RE: Newbie - Matt - 23-06-2013

Welcome along Smile and as connarrrrr said

RE: Newbie - Grant - 23-06-2013

Welcome to the mad house!