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Switching on and off auto wipers - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Switching on and off auto wipers (/showthread.php?tid=14714)

Switching on and off auto wipers - Welshy_Pete - 16-06-2013

I know how to switch on the autowipers go to the second speed setting then first speed setting and it will wiper afew times.

But how do you switch off the auto wiper setting.

I mean when its raining the sensor to switch that on and off.

306 hdi thanks.

RE: Switching on and off auto wipers - cully - 16-06-2013

mine are like this if i remember correctly, if you leave it on auto and turn the ign on auto will not work till they are tuned to (0)off and back to (I) auto

III=fast speed
II = slow speed
I =auto
0 = off
I = manual 1 wipe

RE: Switching on and off auto wipers - Welshy_Pete - 30-06-2013

I've been getting mixed up I thought you could switch the auto water sensor off lol.

But I understand now its allways on setting one. I thought I switched it on then couldn't get it back of again lol.