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speedline 2108's - Printable Version

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speedline 2108's - sam - 13-05-2013

I have a set in my garage near enough mint bar one has a slight kurb mark on it the size of half a 5p here 15's and in matte black, there just holding up space in the garage for new bits need them gone soon but in no rush though havemt got pictures yet but ill get some in the morning! Only looking at 180ono with no tyres will clean them before there sold

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - Stephen - 13-05-2013


RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - sam - 13-05-2013

Im getting some in the morning dude I did say chap

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - Stephen - 13-05-2013

Sorry mate didn't read properly!

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - sam - 14-05-2013

Its cool boyo Smile

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - Frosty - 14-05-2013

Sam when you upload the pics of these can you upload the intercooler pics for me as well please?

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - Blandy - 14-05-2013

Are the direct fit for 306 I.e no spacers or spigots needed?

Gi: speedline 2108's - Sambarker - 14-05-2013

Look forward to pics

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - sam - 14-05-2013

(14-05-2013, 03:38 PM)Blandy Wrote: Are the direct fit for 306 I.e no spacers or spigots needed?

Yeah come with wheel bolts

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - Blandy - 14-05-2013

So no need for spacers or spigots? I'm possibly after a set of 15's rather than the 16's I currently run which are the same wheels but must be direct fit that's all

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - Jimbo - 14-05-2013

(14-05-2013, 12:21 PM)Frosty Wrote: Sam when you upload the pics of these can you upload the intercooler pics for me as well please?

Second this. Taking the Piss now

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - Just Sean - 14-05-2013

blandy, might be intrested in your 16's

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - Blandy - 14-05-2013

Ill let you know mate I'm just considering going to 15's as plan to be going through a few tyres so at 15's ill save a few quid lol

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - Just Sean - 14-05-2013

ive got some comp m05's in 15 with brand newprada spec 2's im GI on atm...

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - sam - 14-05-2013

(14-05-2013, 05:01 PM)Blandy Wrote: So no need for spacers or spigots? I'm possibly after a set of 15's rather than the 16's I currently run which are the same wheels but must be direct fit that's all

bolt straight on dude pug fitment

not the best of pistures:
[Image: 901181_4654224480344_1091613655_o_zps913e074f.jpg]
[Image: 966872_4654226080384_949454232_o_zpse5a1166c.jpg]
[Image: 734357_4384250131154_1951047422_n_zps057eb0f8.jpg]

ill get some day light ones tomorrow

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - Blandy - 14-05-2013

Subject to close photos very interested and could collect with cash when you was ready etc

RE: Gi: speedline 2108's - sam - 14-05-2013

Need to chamge the title there for sale dude

RE: speedline 2108's - Just Sean - 15-05-2013

sorry for hijacking your thread mate <3. x

RE: speedline 2108's - Blandy - 15-05-2013

Cool well again subject to up close pics I'd be very interested and could collect (preferably a little meet as I'm 2hrs away). Plus not bothered about paint condition to much as I'd paint them anyhow

Do you know the width and offset of the wheels?


RE: speedline 2108's - sam - 15-05-2013

Ahh ok ill get some today, not sure on the offset chap as the guy I bout them off didnt have a clue and I think the 7j not sure might be a tad wider.

RE: speedline 2108's - Blandy - 15-05-2013

Prob 7 I'd imagine as they sit similar to mine in the arches and mine are 16x7 so should be fine

RE: speedline 2108's - sam - 16-05-2013


RE: speedline 2108's - Blandy - 19-05-2013

Big Grin don't forget to bring the bolts

RE: speedline 2108's - sam - 19-05-2013

Already in the car boyo Wink