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headliner retrim - Printable Version

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headliner retrim - Ash___ - 13-05-2013

for anyone whos retrimmed their headlining.. what adhesive did you use? ive previously used carpet adhesive but started to sag in the summer due to the heat

RE: headliner retrim - declantg - 13-05-2013

You want some high temperate fabric glue, think I used something like that on my one

RE: headliner retrim - Ash___ - 13-05-2013

cheers, &you haven't had any sagging problems with that I take it?

RE: headliner retrim - declantg - 13-05-2013

The first attempt I had problems but I used shitty glue that wasn't high tempt,

Second attempt with the right glue was fine

RE: headliner retrim - Ash___ - 13-05-2013

cheers mate! i'll have a look for the high temp stuff

RE: headliner retrim - Pompey306mark - 13-05-2013

Get good high temp stuff though.

It's not all the same.

RE: headliner retrim - Ash___ - 13-05-2013

ahh right okay.. you wouldn't happen to know a name of some of the good stuff?

RE: headliner retrim - Pompey306mark - 13-05-2013

Maritrim I think there is a pic in my project thread.

RE: headliner retrim - Ash___ - 13-05-2013

cheers! i'll have a look through there now

RE: headliner retrim - Slam Wagon - 13-05-2013

Ebay seems to be the best place, about £5 a can. Just search high temperature adhesive and go for a spray can, should only need one, maybe two just to be sure.

RE: headliner retrim - Pompey306mark - 13-05-2013

Two to be safe.

You need to do the headliner in one direction and the material in another. Let it dry for around 20-30secs then stick.

Easier with a mate I have done three so far, but on each one I did it myself and in spots the glue has come through the material.

Still got a five door one in brown in my garage going spare.

This stuff is what I have used.

Martrim high performance contact adhesive