306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Wanted: Ph1 3dr Diesel - Printable Version

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Ph1 3dr Diesel - Sambarker - 11-05-2013

As title would settle for n/a or td as engine will be coming out.

Looking for very good condition however if price is right may be interested in a fixer upper.

Def must be ph1, earlier the better for upcoming classic insurance ;-p

RE: Ph1 3dr Diesel - Anton - 11-05-2013

Currently breaking my black phase 1, atm its still rolling. Half an engine.

Ph1 3dr Diesel - Sambarker - 11-05-2013

What's the condition of the bodywork like? Any rot/rust? Would be interested if its ok

Ph1 3dr Diesel - Sambarker - 20-05-2013

Sorted now