306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Anyone coming to ace got a full set of phase 3 door rub strips??????? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Anyone coming to ace got a full set of phase 3 door rub strips??????? (/showthread.php?tid=13647)

Anyone coming to ace got a full set of phase 3 door rub strips??????? - Pompey306mark - 08-05-2013

Free or as cheap as possible.

Any colour but would prefer blue or black.


RE: Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Pompey306mark - 08-05-2013

Ps can swap for my smoothed front wings.

Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Carlos vinyls - 13-05-2013

I have a pair of wings in Nile blue

RE: Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Pompey306mark - 13-05-2013

That would do depending on price.

RE: Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Carlos vinyls - 13-05-2013

make me an offer

RE: Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Fozzy - 13-05-2013

I have ph3 side strips in diablo, probably some wings but they would be ph2

RE: Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Pompey306mark - 13-05-2013

Free like I said above. Fozzy is closer so he will likely win this.

RE: Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Fozzy - 13-05-2013

Can't do free so i guess im out. sorry

RE: Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Pompey306mark - 13-05-2013

What is your price

I can offer some money for things, but it's postage that will kill be buying. So it's either ace or local.

RE: Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Fozzy - 13-05-2013

£10 a wing if they aren't damadged

£30 for the strips

Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Carlos vinyls - 14-05-2013

Are you going to ace

As I can't take them with me

RE: Phase 3 wings and phase 3 door rub strips. - Pompey306mark - 14-05-2013

Yea I am. See you there.