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new bumpstrips?? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: new bumpstrips?? (/showthread.php?tid=13527)

new bumpstrips?? - richie 87 - 04-05-2013

anyone no where i can get a hold of a full set of new bumpsrtips for the phase 1? the ones on the car are fubar and fancy getting new ones.


RE: new bumpstrips?? - Curt - 04-05-2013

Peugeot, eBay, or post a thread in the Wanted section.

RE: new bumpstrips?? - richie 87 - 04-05-2013

cheers man. will give that a try

RE: new bumpstrips?? - Connor - 04-05-2013

Was about £80 when I bought a full set from peugeot. So don't be shocked by a price of around £100