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its friday !!! - Printable Version

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its friday !!! - daddyfixit - 03-05-2013

going away for the weekend so thought I would start it ?

it was a biiiiiiiiiiiiig birthday yesterday so I treated me to a weekend away, it also means the family get away too!!. so no cars to fix, none to wash or hoover ---just away and the forecast is good for the weekend.

if the weathers as good as they think it will be, then consider it a birthday pressie off me.

p.s if it rains, then tough sh*t !!

RE: its friday !!! - Pompey306mark - 03-05-2013

Glamping (posh camping) with the family all weekend.

RE: its friday !!! - Just Sean - 03-05-2013

Ill start my friday thread from yesterday!

The bomb dump blew up, i had to fod plod an area and got with in about 10meters of a live mortar round and about 20meters from a long rocket looking thing!

A US bomb expert came up to it and told his mate, not to pickit up because its still fully fused, so hismate picked it up, shouted 'ouch, f*ck thats hot' and proceeded to drop it! At this point, i dropped something in my pants!

Today, had an email of a crazy ex saying she's beenthinking about 'us' lots... oh the joy's... hopefully its a bit quieter at work, however its a 3 ship today so means we will be busy. Weather, highs of 32...

Tomorrow and sunday will remain the same... i will be working. it will be busy. it will be hot

RE: its friday !!! - 4WayDiablo - 03-05-2013

I just paid £123 car tax and now I'm sat on the bog :-)
Work in a bit though Undecided

RE: its friday !!! - Niall - 03-05-2013

Today. College in the morning then home at lunch to get a new windscreen fitted to the loveceed. Hopefully he won't turn up till about 4
Tomorrow. Service the 6 and refit my gti torsion bars then chill out.
Sunday. Chill out. Maybe go for a meal in the evening
Monday. Sweet FA Smile

RE: its friday !!! - C.A.R. - 03-05-2013

Today - Had to go to Dunstable (shithole) to pick up a piece of glass after the factory broke a bit yesterday, so get to go home at 4. Need to put another coat of paint on my brake calipers (never doing yellow again). Then get the shopping...
Tomorrow - Service my mates 1.4 TDi Polo, then fit my GTi6 brakes and generally prep the car for the MOT on Tuesday... Hopefully this won't take all day.
Sunday - Visiting family during the day, will watch a film come the evening
Monday - Few little jobs around the house need doing, unlikely any of them will actually get done....

RE: its friday !!! - Ed Doe - 03-05-2013

Tonight: Chap coming over about some shinies ninja Then probably chill, maybe throw a sponge at the '6...

Saturday: up early.... to get the '6 in for MOT.... :S NOT looking forward to it tbh! Then off into town to sort a whole load of stuff out for Mazz's birthday! Collect the '6 in the afternoon (hopefully with another years' ticket on it!), then probably out to dindins.

Sunday: Mazz's birthday! Might go horse riding (Obligatory "I'm on a Horse!" photo to follow), then a relaxing afternoon followed by dinner out at her favourite restaurant Smile

Monday: No idea! Probably relaxing; the weather looks friggin amazeballs, so might get the barby out and go to a mates house Smile