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100w Bulbs - Printable Version

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100w Bulbs - Daniel306 - 06-02-2012

Will the head light loom handle 100W bulbs in morette lights? i know there not legal but id say there safer than Hid's

Re: 100w Bulbs - Jake - 06-02-2012

Likelyhood is that they will handle it fine, It "could" cause shortings and Blow fuses, I ran them in mine for a couple of weeks but then they both blew so just put some 55w in, and could hardly notice the difference in light output.

Re: 100w Bulbs - Daniel306 - 06-02-2012

just want to give them a try, but dont want to burn my loom out, morettes are crap on dip, worse than holding a lighter out the window

100w Bulbs - Jonny b - 06-02-2012

Just get some decent bulbs osram night breakers are good

Re: 100w Bulbs - cully - 06-02-2012

probably burnout the stalk switch

Re: 100w Bulbs - Daniel306 - 06-02-2012

Do you think i can make h7 bulbs fit in h2 lights?

Re: 100w Bulbs - wil_Dtub - 06-02-2012

I had some 100w bulbs in my roof spot lights and they burnt them selves out..went dim and black..stuck some 55w in there and really happy with them..I think as the 100w arnt road legal they arnt to the same standard maybe? Either that or was just cheap bulbs i had but wouldn't bother again

Re: 100w Bulbs - studturbo - 07-02-2012

av got 100w headlight bulbs inmy ph3 headlight and there fine Smile

Re: 100w Bulbs - Mattcheese31 - 07-02-2012

100w bulbs burnt my relay out . . . . . .don't bother is my experience . .Smile

Re: 100w Bulbs - HDIkyle - 07-02-2012

I had 100w bulbs worked great but when i up'd them to 120w they burnt the wires out. This was the standard car wiring also