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Think my P bushes are worn - Printable Version

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Think my P bushes are worn - Danny2009 - 01-05-2013

Recently bought a new vehicle and the seller said there is a slight suspension knock...


Well that will be the knocking!

There due for new bushes I think.

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - ozonehostile - 01-05-2013

thats quite impressive haha

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - chippyba - 01-05-2013

might as well up rate since you've got to replace

Think my P bushes are worn - Alee83 - 01-05-2013

Wow... Probably do another 30k miles on them!! Big Grin

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Danny2009 - 01-05-2013

uprate to what? its only my work bus lemford are decent arnt they?

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - chippyba - 01-05-2013

i put on power flex bushes on n never had any trouble since were before i was changing them every couple of months

Think my P bushes are worn - JamesG - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 05:22 PM)Danny2009 Wrote: uprate to what? its only my work bus lemford are decent arnt they?

I work for ECP and lemforder are just as good as powerflex only cheaper and you have a 2 year guarentee with them

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - chippyba - 01-05-2013

apologies mate but I've had better luck with power flex compared to standard parts

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Connor - 01-05-2013

Ill post a pic of mine up when my phone has charge in it

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - cwspellowe - 01-05-2013

(01-05-2013, 06:15 PM)chippyba Wrote: apologies mate but I've had better luck with power flex compared to standard parts

How? OEM ones last a good ten years +, how long have you had your powerflex ones?

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - chippyba - 01-05-2013

18 months no problems

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Connor - 01-05-2013


RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Poodle - 01-05-2013

Seriously, how the fook do people drive like that?

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Rippthrough - 01-05-2013


tbfh, most people are so damned poor at reading a car they drive around with f*cked wishbone bushes, knackered droplinks, f*cked beams, destroyed dampers and never notice a f*cking thing.
That goes for a few people on here too, you know who you are Angel

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Connor - 01-05-2013

That was mine^^ Angel

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Rippthrough - 01-05-2013

The best one is when they tell me how awesome their cheap coilovers are and then you go out for a spin and it feels like the steering isn't connected to the same car...whistle

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Jenkosowls - 01-05-2013

partner/berlingo i see.... try and get the "later" design p bush


RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Rippthrough - 01-05-2013

Yep, better option than the cheap shit 306 replacements most places have these days.

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Danny2009 - 02-05-2013

Cheers pal ill get 2 of them orded Smile

its well let's say interesting to drive

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - 306Dan - 02-05-2013

What are these p bushes you speak of?? =D

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Poodle - 02-05-2013

Suspension bushes in the shape of a P, go on the rear of the wishbone.

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - 306Dan - 02-05-2013

sorry sarcasm is hard to use over the net

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Poodle - 02-05-2013

Did wonder, thought you'd been around long enough. lol

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Rippthrough - 02-05-2013

(02-05-2013, 04:30 PM)306Dan Wrote: What are these p bushes you speak of?? =D

Something fitted to all those lesser models than the epic 1.4 I think.

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Grant - 03-05-2013

Lol thats nuts. Worst I've seen for a while.

I wouldn't bother with power flex, go standard, mele or roller bearing IMO.

RE: Think my P bushes are worn - Danny2009 - 03-05-2013

It's my work bus so ill be getting half decent ones no power flex of myle ect just something it won't eat through in 100 miles!