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Lucas fuel pump - Printable Version

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Lucas fuel pump - ash23 - 30-04-2013

as above don't need lines or injectors just the pump as cheap as possible .
before you say convert to Bosch its not for me its for a old bloke around the corner from me his has died and wouldn't benefit with the Bosch any way
needs to be a known good one prefer UN tuned one but not the end of the world if its been played with
what you got?
prices posted please unless you are close to matlock derbyshire.

RE: Lucas fuel pump - Ben Jay - 30-04-2013

i have two! want one for £20 plus postage?

RE: Lucas fuel pump - ash23 - 30-04-2013

to expensive for a Lucas mate but thanks any way looks like ill be gettin one from scrappy

Lucas fuel pump - ash240970 - 30-04-2013

Ash you are probably better off getting one from the breakers tbh a since the postage is paid its going to be expensive unless you're asking for members to give you a pump for free?
I have one you can have for nothing if you come and put my Bosch on for me Smile

RE: Lucas fuel pump - CJ_Derv - 01-05-2013

15 posted tuned

RE: Lucas fuel pump - ash23 - 01-05-2013

cj ill put that to him and see what he says thanks

RE: Lucas fuel pump - CJ_Derv - 02-05-2013

No probs bin sat with derv in for ages just taking space up just let me no buddy

RE: Lucas fuel pump - ash23 - 03-05-2013

cj pm me with you details Smile