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Hey there! - Printable Version

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Hey there! - Pebbles167 - 27-04-2013

Hey guys! Thought id pop my head in say hi. Saw a few of your 306's today and thought they looked great Smile

Just come over from 306 Gti-6 owners club,

Hope you all had a great day at combe.

RE: Hey there! - Eeyore - 27-04-2013

welcome the the forum! its the best one Tongue

Re: Hey there! - Eskiiboi - 27-04-2013

The same Pebbles with the XJR and a wrote off '6 after today? Sad Welcome!! Lol

RE: Hey there! - Pebbles167 - 27-04-2013

The very same im afraid. Not to worry though, ill have her fixed up soon enough Smile

[Image: IMAG0179.jpg]

RE: Hey there! - declantg - 27-04-2013


What happened though man? Sad

Re: Hey there! - Eskiiboi - 27-04-2013

That is such a shitter mate. Looking at the shape of that wing I guess the chassis leg is dead? Mechanical failure or just a mistake?

RE: Hey there! - Pebbles167 - 27-04-2013

Thanks for the welcome guys.

Was a rookie mistake. Was showboating a bit to be honest. I was aware there was nothing behind me or in front for at least a few hundred metres.

Thought id try a new entry into quarry... It failed.

RE: Hey there! - Eeyore - 27-04-2013

at least its on a track D:

RE: Hey there! - Pebbles167 - 27-04-2013

The best place for a 6 in my opinion!

Re: Hey there! - Eskiiboi - 27-04-2013

Ahh well, the only bonus is '6 are fairly cheap now if you need a new car to swap bits over to/from. I really need to sort me some track time...

RE: Hey there! - Pebbles167 - 27-04-2013

Ill be repairing it hopefully, shes not as banged up as she looks.

RE: Hey there! - Arron - 27-04-2013

Wow. Did the airbags not come out?


RE: Hey there! - Herby7 - 28-04-2013


RE: Hey there! - Just Sean - 28-04-2013

your hockey sticks broken too huh! Damn things

RE: Hey there! - NP306 - 28-04-2013

Your cyclones look amazing!