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Wanted: Tmic - Printable Version

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Tmic - Daniel306 - 15-04-2013

Needing a top mount. Think the 405 one is thicker so one of them would be preferred

RE: Tmic - Mattcheese31 - 15-04-2013

405 top mount is smaller mate, i swapped mine for a 306 one as it has a bigger surface area . .Smile

but i do have one spare . . .where are you located? Smile

Tmic - Jake - 15-04-2013

Got one off a 306. £10 plus postage.

RE: Tmic - bigcheez2k3 - 15-04-2013

I have one from a 306 too.

RE: Tmic - puglove - 15-04-2013

i also have one or uuuummmm 4 lol

RE: Tmic - bigcheez2k3 - 15-04-2013

So buy the 7 we've offered and you'll never need another one.

RE: Tmic - Mattcheese31 - 15-04-2013

but i have the 405 one you wanted . . Wink

Tmic - Sambarker - 16-04-2013

I've got 3. Free to collect

RE: Tmic - Daniel306 - 16-04-2013

Who can give me the best price posted to iv118xs.

Tmic - Sambarker - 16-04-2013

Ill do mine for £44.99 posted. That's how much it would need to convince me to find it, wrap it and arrange a courier. Free to collect !

RE: Tmic - ozonehostile - 17-04-2013

i also have a 405 topmount with the rubber seal.