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Cheap XUD bits - Printable Version

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Cheap XUD bits - Dan! - 06-12-2011

Got a few last bits from the ZX that I broke a few weeks back, all available at nice cheap prices!

2 x Fuel filter/thermostat housings. £5 + postage (~£3.50)

1 x Bosch LDA cap which has been smoothed and polished, looks cool 8-) £5 + postage (~£2)

1 x XUD vacuum pump. £3 + postage (~£3.50)

1 x XUD fuel pump bracket, fits both lucas and bosch pumps. £3 + postage (~£3.50)

1 x plastic turbo intake pipe. £3 + postage (~£3)

1 x plastic center console, rear section only. £5 + postage (~£4)

[Image: IMG-20111003-00757.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20111003-00755.jpg]

[Image: IMG-20111003-00767.jpg]

[Image: GreatYarmouth-20111117-01003.jpg]

Havent got photos of everything but thats most of the stuff.

If you want a few of the items then let me know and you can have a healthy discount (y)

Cheers, Dan.