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For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - Printable Version

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For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 09-04-2013

I have loads of parts left from the last two cars i have broke so need to shift a few to make room all parts are from a diablo gti6 R reg or a silver hdi Y reg

Black 5 door A B C trims come with seat belt adjuster things not pictured £30
[Image: IMG_1484_zps22edf948.jpg]
266 front calipers no pads exc £20
[Image: IMG_1480_zpsa2565dc7.jpg]
Gti6 brushed ally dash trim inc switches £25
[Image: IMG_1468_zps8c08d552.jpg]
2x twin fans £20 each
[Image: IMG_1470_zps3c3f6bf1.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1449_zpse534517b.jpg]
Diablo fuel cap and dummy cap £20
[Image: IMG_1463_zps985b0321.jpg]
Silver fuel cap £10
[Image: IMG_1456_zps56b65922.jpg]
Gti6 standard air box and pipes have the full pipe setup not pictured all in good condition no splits exc £40
[Image: IMG_1435_zpsdd4a2f2a.jpg]
Set of crystal fogs all brackets intact £20
[Image: IMG_1431_zps8c472054.jpg]
[Image: IMG_1430_zpse648415b.jpg]
Silver phase 3 tailgate comes with wiper motor wiper arm and break light (no boot lock) removed properly no wires cut so plug and play £45
[Image: IMG_1429_zpsc2e79c26.jpg]
Phase 3 headlights one has 2 fixing points the other only has one ideal for the lenses for masks £20
[Image: IMG_1438_zps39a82a7c.jpg]
Hdi engine cover £15
[Image: IMG_1426_zps54864aef.jpg]
Gti6 steering rack heat shield £5
phase 1/2 wiper arm with working built in washer jet £10
[Image: IMG_1432_zps8e74b2e5.jpg]
Diablo grill with gti badge £10
[Image: IMG_1460_zpsd9489a57.jpg]
Hdi rad £25
[Image: IMG_1454_zpsaf07d6c1.jpg]
Hdi matrix hoses £25
[Image: IMG_1461_zpsff33ecbe.jpg]
Air con heater dials £10
[Image: IMG_1448_zps14526298.jpg]
Door rubbers £10 each
[Image: IMG_1459_zpsd65260a9.jpg]
Steering wheel airbag ring phase 3 brown plug £10
[Image: IMG_1453_zps013af851.jpg]

I have loads more parts so will be updating as and when
Prices are collection from redditch can post smaller items if postage covered

Thanks lee

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 09-04-2013

Diablo drivers side hockey stick all clips intact £10
[Image: IMG_1450_zps83bda7aa.jpg]

Phase 1/2 spoiler £10

Will be breaking my silver gti6 (R45ODV) in next week or so

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - Seid' - 09-04-2013

steering wheel without airbag, gti front splitter and parcel shelf? price and photos plz

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 10-04-2013

Will have to check postage for you mate I have a splitter and a phase1 shelf also a phase3 shelf with no speakers 4small holes either side not visable as its had 6x9 speakers fitted Smile

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - declantg - 10-04-2013

How much posted for brushed alu center bit?

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 10-04-2013

(10-04-2013, 01:13 AM)declantg Wrote: How much posted for brushed alu center bit?

£33 posted mate.

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - RJDubya - 10-04-2013

How much for the diablo grill and hockey stick posted fella? Bit far to drive just for them

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 10-04-2013

(10-04-2013, 07:37 AM)RJDubya Wrote: How much for the diablo grill and hockey stick posted fella? Bit far to drive just for them

Pm'd mate Smile

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 11-04-2013

Got loads more parts if you need anything just ask Smile

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 11-04-2013

Will take offers on all parts Smile

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - Rich306 - 12-04-2013

Coming to Ace Cafe?

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 12-04-2013

(12-04-2013, 05:36 AM)Rich306 Wrote: Coming to Ace Cafe?

Not any time soon I don't think mate

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 13-04-2013

Diablo grill sold

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - megwan - 14-04-2013

I'm after an a cat n back box for mt gti if ya can help me out????

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 14-04-2013

I have a cat from the Diablo gti6 that I broke £30 collected Smile

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - megwan - 14-04-2013

How is it broke??? i just need a cheap one asap cause i have ripped a mahoosive hole in mine lol

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 14-04-2013

I broke the car for spares mate the cat is in good condition Smile

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - megwan - 14-04-2013

I'll have it then mate cheers...when wud i b able come down get it??

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 14-04-2013

You can collect when ever you want mate let me know when is best for you Smile

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - megwan - 14-04-2013

Would friday b ok?? I get paid then so i can afford the fuel to get down lol

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 14-04-2013

Yeah Friday is fine Smile drop me a pm Thursday and I will give you my address Smile

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - megwan - 14-04-2013

Oki cheers Smile

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 23-04-2013

Still got most parts and more Smile

Offers on all of it now as need to start makeing space Smile

RE: For sale: loads of gti6 and hdi parts - spike2002 - 26-04-2013

Got loads of parts left make me offers people need the space soon