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Alternator Wiring - Printable Version

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Alternator Wiring - ginge191 - 08-04-2013

any help would be great - as standard; electrics are not my cup of tea.

Where and what am i wiring to what; the cable on the left? this come's from the main loom, this is correct place?

The other point - is this just an earth? i had nothing on here when i fired up the car, sparks everywhere Doh

[Image: S5qaBlm.jpg]

RE: Alternator Wiring - Niall - 08-04-2013

Wow dude you need to take a few lessons in electricity.

One stud on the alternator will have + or 'pos' or similar on it. This one goes direct to the pos terminal of the battery.

the negative one as you can guess goes to earth.

The last and smallest termial goes to the dials. This is what provides 14.4v to them and if that drops off, the battery light comes on.
You could leave the small one off for now if you cant be arsed to wire it up to the dials but you will have the battery light on and obviously wont know if it packs up.

RE: Alternator Wiring - ginge191 - 08-04-2013

Yep; I HATE electric work with a passion!

I'll take a look on Wednesday, hopefully get this on the road! Thanks babe x

RE: Alternator Wiring - Niall - 08-04-2013

Just dont get them round the wrong way what ever you do!!!

RE: Alternator Wiring - ginge191 - 08-04-2013

(08-04-2013, 07:52 PM)Niall Wrote: Just dont get them round the wrong way what ever you do!!!

Hmm I'm sure the + terminal is already on the loom; I just need an earth