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Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - Printable Version

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Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - sweeney1987 - 25-03-2013

So tried installing pug planet on my old dell netbook running xp, but alas its dreadfully slow and doing my nut in.
so going to bite the bullet and get a laptop solely for the purpose.
looking second hand and only about 100 to spend, what ye guys recommend?
needing xp, lot of ones im looking at is 7/vista? hard to format and install xp?
been ages since ive messed with pcs so out of the loop.

been looking at ibms as heard theyre sturdy but hard to get decent spec for cheap
also anyone know where i can get autodata cheap when i do get one Itwasntme

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - cully - 25-03-2013

i got my xp laptop from freecycle ive installed mapping software PP2000 autodata Peugeot Sedre and servicbox on it
keeps the kids off it Smile

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - sweeney1987 - 25-03-2013

im in ireland, dont think weve freecycle here?
never heard of it anyway..

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - cully - 25-03-2013


i just searched ireland and 4 pages of hits came up Wink

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - sweeney1987 - 25-03-2013

yeah had a look, only laptop though was this:
[Image: Toshiba-T4600Cs.jpg]

dont think itll be much good lol
so back to buying, nothing is free or cheao here Wink

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - cully - 25-03-2013

put a wanted add up on freecycle you might be supprised Wink

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - Eeyore - 25-03-2013

that laptop looks amazing!

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - sweeney1987 - 25-03-2013

wont hold my hopes up.
in mean time anyone any advice on whats best? or min spec i need,
want to run pug planet/lexia, vagcom, autodata, and mapping software eventually

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - Arron - 25-03-2013

Surely you can run these programs on 7 but use the compatability wizard to make them run on XP platform?

Not sure why you'd ever want to install an obselete windows XP on any computer now bud

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - sweeney1987 - 25-03-2013

they never work as well as they do on a proper old system for some reason.
i have a shiny laptop with windows 8 on it for new stuff, would rather an old sturdier laptop that can take a beating for diagnostic stuff,b keep the two seperate and if someone needs to use it they can borrow it n not leave me laptopless Wink

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - Arron - 25-03-2013

I know what you mean actually, stable and running nothing else is what you need

Re: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - Puggie - 25-03-2013

All the guys having problems install vm ware and install a virtual Os of xp and install it there should work no problems i had to do this to run all my bmw diagnosis software works no problems

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - londondan86 - 25-03-2013

I got a Dell d600 on eBay for 25 quid

RE: Laptop Advice - Diagnostics - sweeney1987 - 27-03-2013

still nothing on freecycle, anything on ebay costs a fortune to post to me