306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Hello - Printable Version

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Hello - cheesegrater - 19-03-2013

Hello my names Tom, I believe I met a few of you guys at Ace Cafe on 18/3/13 and I thought I join up and say hi!

Heres my car, 205 GTI6:
[Image: p4pb9339227.jpg]
Currently running at 216hp and 187lbft with more to go!
I'm trying to keep it all looking as standard as possible.

RE: Hello - Scott - 19-03-2013

Welcome to the club Smile

Good chatting to you last night, although I'm holding you responsible for any angry calls from my bank now that you've told me how much the charger kit all cost lol

RE: Hello - puggyhdi - 19-03-2013

Welcome along, yea I see you. Supercharged right?

RE: Hello - cheesegrater - 20-03-2013

That's the one yeah!

RE: Hello - MissTap_GTI6 - 20-03-2013

Welcome! Love the car! Smile

and the super'ness!

RE: Hello - cheesegrater - 20-03-2013

(19-03-2013, 11:24 PM)Scott Wrote: Welcome to the club Smile

Good chatting to you last night, although I'm holding you responsible for any angry calls from my bank now that you've told me how much the charger kit all cost lol

Ahaha sorry about that! Lynx charger is a lot more money but a more efficient charger. But it lacks the whine! I'm talking to my friends at kam racing at the moment about the potential to make up an inlet manifold and engine mount in a kind of self assembly cheaper alternative.

RE: Hello - Matt - 20-03-2013

welcome along mate, car sounded awesome as you left Big Grin

RE: Hello - Frosty - 20-03-2013

Welcome. Your 205 looks awesome! I got a lot of love for 205s

Hello - Stephen - 21-03-2013

Welcome along. Car looks awesome and I bet it's major fun with that power!

RE: Hello - Herby7 - 21-03-2013


RE: Hello - Eeyore - 21-03-2013

welcome! epic car!

RE: Hello - bigcheez2k3 - 21-03-2013

Car looks sweet and the power sounds good. Welcome Smile

RE: Hello - Piggy - 21-03-2013

wicked car

Hello - Kezzer30 - 22-03-2013

Smile another 205 , nice one lad

RE: Hello - Hdiestate - 23-03-2013

Welcome mate. Thats a nice 205 u got there.

RE: Hello - ingham66 uk - 23-03-2013
