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Wanted: t2 set up - Printable Version

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t2 set up - declantg - 17-03-2013

Looking for a complete t2 set up, everything needed to bolt to a bare block.
As cheap as possible please x

RE: t2 set up - Ben - 17-03-2013

Depends how soon you need it. Mine should be off in two weeks.

RE: t2 set up - declantg - 17-03-2013

Tbh mate not in any rush Smile
Got the engine home btw, was fun getting it out haha

RE: t2 set up - Ben - 17-03-2013

Haha pretty heavy aren't they!

RE: t2 set up - declantg - 17-03-2013

Yeah haha how's the wheel barrow??