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Lexia3 - Printable Version

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Lexia3 - Niall - 25-01-2012

Anyone got one? Who did you get it from? I'm going to order one soon but I am a bit concerned about getting a dodgy one seeing a you hear about a lot of these dodgy ones. Cheers guys

Re: Lexia3 - 4WayDiablo - 25-01-2012

I dont even know what it is lmao

Re: Lexia3 - Niall - 25-01-2012

Pug diagnostic lead. They sell copies of them on eBay so you can plug your car into a computer but I don't want a dodgy one that doesn't work.

Re: Lexia3 - Jacko - 25-01-2012

I thought it was a new mobile phone model or something! Haha. Atleast I learnt something today Smile

Re: Lexia3 - masterj555 - 25-01-2012

i was thinking about getting one of these too

Re: Lexia3 - Ian - 25-01-2012

i havent got one, but have heard that quite a few on ebay have viruses within the program it comes with.

Re: Lexia3 - sweeney1987 - 26-01-2012

was looking into getting one myself, guy selling them over here for 120 euro, didnt think it too bad a price?