306oc - Peugeot 306 Owners Club & Forum
Wanted: Diablo 3 door rub strips - Printable Version

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Wanted: Diablo 3 door rub strips - RJDubya - 11-02-2013

As above, anyone got any in good condition. Price including p&p if possible. If not in diablo then I'll paint them but preferably already painted :-)

RE: Wanted: Diablo 3 door rub strips - spike2002 - 11-02-2013

I have a set of 3door phase3 in Diablo. Wink

RE: Wanted: Diablo 3 door rub strips - RJDubya - 11-02-2013

That a nice way of saying they're not for sale then? How much you after for them?

RE: Wanted: Diablo 3 door rub strips - spike2002 - 11-02-2013

£30 plus postage what I paid for them off raz Wink