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Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Printable Version

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Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Choppin - 06-02-2013

As titled, snapped this morning n as the previous owner removed the aircon n replaced with correct size I don't no what size it should b, so anyway need 2 kno what size it should b so I can get my lil beast back on the road!! Lol
Any constructive help is welcome lol

RE: Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Just Sean - 06-02-2013

I THINK its 1030mm...

let me double check though

RE: Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Choppin - 06-02-2013

Lol thanx mate

RE: Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Just Sean - 06-02-2013

1170 mate

RE: Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Poodle - 06-02-2013

As above, 1170/5.

RE: Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Choppin - 06-02-2013

Spot on lads!! Thanx 4 the help!!!

RE: Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Choppin - 06-02-2013

Just looked @ the old belt n thers 6 notches on the inside :-S lol and the belt is 1140 and is stretched like hell!! also found some paper work that says it should b 1200!! This is bloody confusing me!!! Lol

RE: Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Slam Wagon - 08-02-2013

Should be 1170, think ive got an 1165 because it was the closest i could find when mine snapped

RE: Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Choppin - 08-02-2013

Thanx mate but I managed 2 get a 1180 I think!! Lol but she in the garage @ the mo so fingers crossed she will b fixed lol

RE: Non aircon Aux belt HDi - Slam Wagon - 08-02-2013

Should be fine with the auto tensioner on there.