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speaker wiring - Printable Version

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speaker wiring - Willo - 27-01-2013

right this is a new one i cant find anything on it the other day i started the engine and the radio came up saying code. was working fine previous to this i have today gone to put a cd player in it powers up fine but no sound to the speakers. If i connect a wire direct from the head unit to the speaker it works so the issue is not the head unit can anyone shed some light on this as its all the speakers that are not working. the drivers door loom is broken on several wires some of which being the speaker wires im guessing as the drivers speaker has never worked.

RE: speaker wiring - 4WayDiablo - 27-01-2013

Well there you go then? Looms broken lol
If the wires are broken of course the speakers won't work

RE: speaker wiring - Willo - 27-01-2013

But it's only the drivers loom that's broken why would non of the speakers work

RE: speaker wiring - kingy - 27-01-2013


RE: speaker wiring - Willo - 27-01-2013

Is that aimed at me ?

RE: speaker wiring - Eeyore - 28-01-2013

The loom wont be helping so get that fixed. And its possible that the broken wires have shorted the head unit. I know mine had a PROTECT mode when i accidently put a screw through the positive and shorted it. Just check all your wiring and try disconnecting your battery or refitting your head unit as it probably needs resetting to get out of protect made (if its in protect mode).

RE: speaker wiring - Willo - 28-01-2013

Ill try that and ill get the loom sorted as soon as I can when its mot raining lol