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Show: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Printable Version

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RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Niall - 28-02-2013

(28-02-2013, 10:51 PM)WiNgNuTz Wrote: I'm hoping to have my Arianes on, and some lows at least by FCS, would be well chuffed to get on the club stand Big Grin

Every car will be on the club stand Smile

There will be voting open soon though to decide who goes on the front row like last year. Idea will probably be to have a good mix of nice and different cars on the front.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - WiNgNuTz - 28-02-2013

Spot on then! lol

Doubt i'll make it on the front row.....might have to give it a try though, eh? Wink


RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Niall - 28-02-2013

(28-02-2013, 10:54 PM)WiNgNuTz Wrote: Spot on then! lol

Doubt i'll make it on the front row.....might have to give it a try though, eh? Wink


Mate you never know! As i said, it cant just be a line of diablo DTs and 1 china 6 or something like that. It will be a wide variety of cars so get it looking nice and clean and you might have a chance! I know when it gets warmer, im going to wet sand my entire car and get it looking absolutely mint as i want to be on front row this year Smile

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - WiNgNuTz - 28-02-2013

I certainly wont be going THAT far!

Ideal to-do list before FCS has got to be lows, wheels and Bosch. Not necessarily in that order though. Wink

FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Stephen - 01-03-2013

Voting already? I don't even have my future 306 yet :p

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Scott - 01-03-2013

I'll out up the thread for submissions in a week or so, so people can start preparing and know what the competition is like Wink

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Pompey306mark - 01-03-2013

I still have to finish building mine lol.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - declantg - 01-03-2013

Front row, I need you

Re: RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - WiNgNuTz - 01-03-2013

(01-03-2013, 10:11 AM)declantg Wrote: Front row, I need you

You gonna sort your wheels out by then? lol not that I can talk, rocking harriers on the front and lasers on the back of mine at the moment. Big Grin

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - declantg - 01-03-2013

This weekend my friend Smile well, hopefully. Car is having her new heart on Thursday

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Tallguy_2 - 03-03-2013

How about a blaze for the front row lol? Everyone loves blaze!!!

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Scott - 03-03-2013

lol Suuuuure they do Wink

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Tallguy_2 - 03-03-2013

Minting her up a bit this weekend too!! Lol

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Jacko - 03-03-2013

Alot of the show areas at Castle Combe are narrow - so everyone maybe side by side. Depending on where we get located.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - ozonehostile - 03-03-2013

better get the roof and bonnet sorted ready for fcs then lol.

also entire car t-cut and claybar Smile

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Mrs puglove - 03-03-2013

(03-03-2013, 01:04 PM)ozonehostile Wrote: better get the roof and bonnet sorted ready for fcs then lol.

also entire car t-cut and claybar Smile

Do you find bianca a really "chalky" finish.I find mine really hard to get a good shine and hard to polish Sad

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - ozonehostile - 03-03-2013

the hatch was a bit "chalky" when i first bought it yeah, had been under a tree for a couple of years.

a decent t-cut (literally everything, under door seals, behind lights, underside of bonnet etc), turtle hardshell wax and alot of polishing with carnauba wax have got a pretty good finish on it now though Smile

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - 7057sam - 03-03-2013

Quite like mine on the front row considering they's probably not that many caged rallye

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - mikey b - 03-03-2013

How do we get on the club stand thanks[/php]

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Scott - 03-03-2013

When you buy tickets you have the option of choosing which club stand you would like to go on Smile

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - mikey b - 03-03-2013

That's cool is it Limited space

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Scott - 03-03-2013

As far as I know there won't be any limits for the number of cars on the stand Smile The size of the stand is set by the number of people who have booked tickets/stand passes.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Poodle - 04-03-2013

(03-03-2013, 02:58 PM)7057sam Wrote: Quite like mine on the front row considering they's probably not that many caged rallye

Better start buying votes then. Wink

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - ozonehostile - 04-03-2013

hopefully enough people will buy clubstand tickets that oc get to go on the tarmac near the track entrance, sucks to be on the grass down the sides at coombe

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - 7057sam - 04-03-2013

So when do we vote for front row they ?

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Poodle - 05-03-2013

Probably once we get allocated a spot. As already mentioned; there's a good chance we'll get a stand where everyone will be front row.

FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - kentiiboii - 05-03-2013

Think if I get what I want done ill put my car for front again my get there this time. But there so many epic cars on here this year.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - 7057sam - 05-03-2013

So on Saturday will they be any club stand or just track ?

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - AndyG - 09-03-2013

1. Nial
2. Scott & Kim
3. 4waydiablo
4. Pompey306mark
5. kingy
6. ginge
7. samass
8. srowell + 1
9. jacko
10. Strictly_douche
11. MissTap
12. Milkman
13. PE02KHG (ian)
14. Frosty
15. jimbo
16. puggyhdi (tom)
17. Rocker
18. matt
19. matt haskett
20. cwspellowe + Linzi + Phoenix + three turbos + four headgaskets
21. WiNgNuTz
22. Jonny81191
23. Jake & Gemma
24. Monsieur Cheese
25. Oil-burner
26. londondan86 +1
27. Kentiiboii + the father!
28. c.gerrard
29. ash240970
30. Sandra
31. Andy
32. puglove
33. mrspuglove
34. Zekegti6
35. 7057sam
36. Ed and Mazz
37. Sean +1
38. Vaughan
39. THE_Liam
40. Grant
43. Gurj306
44. Poodle
45. Stephen
46. Bengley (assuming my car is still working by then)
47. ozonehostile
48. Piggy
49. Icywalts + partner
50. Jukie88 maybe + a few
51. K3ogh (chris)
52. doogle-d turbo
53. Lew_Derv
54. darrenjlobb (+ Chris most likely)
55. phillmoore
56. Declantg
57. AndyG


RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - mikey b - 10-03-2013

1. Niall
2. Scott & Kim
3. 4waydiablo
4. Pompey306mark
5. kingy
6. ginge
7. samass
8. srowell + 1
9. jacko
10. Strictly_douche
11. MissTap
12. Milkman
13. PE02KHG (ian)
14. Frosty
15. jimbo
16. puggyhdi (tom)
17. Rocker
18. matt
19. matt haskett
20. cwspellowe + Linzi + Phoenix + three turbos + four headgaskets
21. WiNgNuTz
22. Jonny81191
23. Jake & Gemma
24. Monsieur Cheese
25. Oil-burner
26. londondan86 +1
27. Kentiiboii + the father!
28. c.gerrard
29. ash240970
30. Sandra
31. Andy
32. puglove
33. mrspuglove
34. Zekegti6
35. 7057sam
36. Ed and Mazz
37. Sean +1
38. Vaughan
39. THE_Liam
40. Grant
43. Gurj306
44. Poodle
45. Stephen
46. Bengley (assuming my car is still working by then)
47. ozonehostile
48. Piggy
49. Icywalts + partner
50. Jukie88 maybe + a few
51. K3ogh (chris)
52. doogle-d turbo
53. Lew_Derv
54. darrenjlobb (+ Chris most likely)
55. phillmoore
56. Declantg
57. AndyG
58. mikey b

you can stick me on this list the mk1 Sigma blue dturbo will be finished by then new clutch bosch pump and front mount all sorted