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Nialls supercharged GTi6 - project tidy up - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - project tidy up (/showthread.php?tid=3684)

Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Alee83 - 02-05-2014

That looks mint...! Top job!

Makes the engine bay look 100% better/tidier.

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Matt - 02-05-2014

Looks like a much better setup! Fingers crossed it works well that way

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - 7057sam - 02-05-2014

Sweet so its all fixed now ?

When she back on the rollers ?

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - floz123 - 02-05-2014

And come to mine and collect something Wink

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 02-05-2014

The Capri? Wink

Why do I feel like Del Boy when I say that lol

(02-05-2014, 08:42 PM)7057sam Wrote: Sweet so its all fixed now ?

When she back on the rollers ?

Not sure yet mate. Not in any rush to do so now. Probably after show season

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Connor - 02-05-2014

You taking this next weekend? Love to see it

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 02-05-2014

To pug run? Yes I am mate Smile

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Connor - 02-05-2014

Of course, might have to ask for a cheeky passenger ride Wink

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - floz123 - 02-05-2014

If you can get it out mate Wink I meant a small black round thing!

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 02-05-2014

(02-05-2014, 08:50 PM)Connor Wrote: Of course, might have to ask for a cheeky passenger ride Wink

No worries mate. It's not overly impressive seeing as it's only 190hp but it's does go well!

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Connor - 02-05-2014

Dat noise doh! Tongue

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 02-05-2014

(02-05-2014, 08:54 PM)Connor Wrote: Dat noise doh! Tongue

Wait until you hear the limiter :p although last time I hit that though, I spun a bearing lpl

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Connor - 02-05-2014

Lol try not to spin it this time then Tongue speaking of which, we've got a ST in work at the moment that spun a shell or 5 lol made me think of you xx

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 02-05-2014

Aww thanks mate xx
Servicing it tomorrow so will see of there is any metal in the oil that comes out lol

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - C.A.R. - 03-05-2014

Get an air snorkel from a 1.4/1.6 TU 306 as it points directly where you have your filter and would work as a very good cold air feed for peanuts..and looks OEM.

Looking sound bud.

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - lolsteve - 03-05-2014

What oil you planning on using?

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 16-05-2014

(03-05-2014, 12:02 AM)C.A.R. Wrote: Get an air snorkel from a 1.4/1.6 TU 306 as it points directly where you have your filter and would work as a very good cold air feed for peanuts..and looks OEM.

Looking sound bud.

Like that idea although may have more ninja plans up my sleeve for a cold air feed
(03-05-2014, 09:20 AM)lolsteve Wrote: What oil you planning on using?

Shell Helix Ultra Smile

Right update time! Well, not really,
Firstly, i went to pug run last weekend. If I'm honest, i was really nervous. the bearing spinning really did destroy my trust in the car. Wasn't bothered about if it broke down as i have RAC cover but more "Shit, I've spent all this money and destroyed it!"
Not to worry though, i did 300 miles and it was completely faultless...well except for blowing a boost pipe 1 or 5 times lol Only thing was the monumental fuel cost...or so i thought at the time. I did 300 miles to a tank which i didn't think was overly bad seeing as its not fuelling right at all and at times, we weren't hanging about.
Mark took a few nice photos as well


Anyway, got the car back and realised how little time I've got left to fix this shit heap so I've made a brave move! At the moment, the car isn't driving right on boost as its now seeing double the pressure it was when it was mapped thanks to the new outlet plate. Also, I'm now seeing sensible fuel pressure. I wasn't happy about doing the shows and over 500 miles like this so I've booked it in for mapping again.....the day before FCS lol
So the thursday will consist of getting it on the rollers, getting it mapped (and hopefully making my target power this time round) and then driving it from Dartford to Chippenham to see the illusive other forum admin. If i make that, then i will be there saturday in a gti and have a look of relief on my face. If you see a shitty Kia on the stand and a rather grumpy Niall walking around, you know why!

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Paul_13 - 16-05-2014

That's not bad fuel economy to be fair.
Tom only gets 250 ish (some times much less) from a full tank

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 16-05-2014

(16-05-2014, 09:08 PM)Paul_13 Wrote: That's not bad fuel economy to be fair.
Tom only gets 250 ish (some times much less) from a full tank

Yeah but how much does it cost to brim a 205 tank? Cant be as much as a 306!

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Paul_13 - 16-05-2014

50/55 L from memory could be wrong

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 16-05-2014

Ah ok same as the 306 then. I thought it would be less in all honesty!
Hopefully it will be a bit better when its remapped again Smile

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Grant - 16-05-2014

(16-05-2014, 09:29 PM)Niall Wrote: Hopefully it will be a bit better when its remapped again Smile

Dream on sunshine Wink

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 16-05-2014

(16-05-2014, 09:33 PM)Grant Wrote:
(16-05-2014, 09:29 PM)Niall Wrote: Hopefully it will be a bit better when its remapped again Smile

Dream on sunshine Wink

Your right. Who am i kidding. Worth it though! I don't drive this shit daily so its ok lol

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - mikey b - 17-05-2014

Looks good nice job the alloy inlet on your super charger looks sweet

Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - ArmzSC6 - 17-05-2014

My lynx low boost is as good as a standard 6 on fuel if your doing a long run. On Vpower I get 400miles to a tank on a motorway run with a good few flat out blats thrown in along the way Wink.

Should be better once mapped properly.

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - 7057sam - 18-05-2014

(17-05-2014, 01:25 PM)ArmzSC6 Wrote: My lynx low boost is as good as a standard 6 on fuel if your doing a long run. On Vpower I get 400miles to a tank on a motorway run with a good few flat out blats thrown in along the way Wink.

Should be better once mapped properly.

Yep mine was the same on long run maybe 50 miles less a tank at the very worst.

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 18-05-2014

So amongst other ninja plans today in-between call outs i got the Autsol out in a bid to start tidying my engine bay up



Also found some another pic that Mark took at Pugrun


RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Niall - 25-05-2014

So the back of my car has always been a bit low for the 30mm drop on the front. Last year i scrubbed a lot on the way to the shows with my camping gear in the back and i have basically been sitting on the bump stops most of the time so in an effort to have a slightly more stable ride and not destroy another set of tyres, I've raised the back of the car to a more sensible level



Also discovered this Sad


How long its been like that i don't know but its ruined the splined end of the ARB. Just an excuse for a rebuilt rear axle i suppose!

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - Paul_13 - 25-05-2014

I'd be tempted to route the air filter/pipe like you have with the boost pipe so it sits in front of the rad

I take it the bolt has sheared off in the arm?

RE: Nialls supercharged GTi6 - Alive! (again) - jammapic - 27-05-2014

Sensible ride height for the win!!!!

I love this car. One of my favourite projects on the forum!