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Show: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Printable Version

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RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Dum-Dum - 13-01-2013

(13-01-2013, 04:47 PM)Kimmie Wrote: Does that mean you're coming then Chris?
Im considering it. Still leaning towards USC and still dont think I can afford both.

Realistically with the cost of camping and entry FCS is gonna be the same price as USC but USC has car show stuff all day for 3 days plus 3 live music arenas, more people, more birds and genuinely different and interesting cars

BUT all you lot are gonna go FCS and i dont wanna miss out on that. I think if you camp off site I might well pop down for a nights camping and beer lairyness and just f*ck off the show cos for many years now people have said the camping at FCS far outweighs the show cos as a club (and a group of people before we were a club) we have had awesome camping.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - darrenjlobb - 13-01-2013

Id imagine the stand / show area is going to be VERY tight / possibily a bit of an issue..coombe is a very small venue in terms of parking area compared to the likes of rockingham and donnington... cars going to be crammed in everywhere!

That said its an epic track, and you can walk right around it etc, good venue just think it could be a tad small!

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - puglove - 13-01-2013

(13-01-2013, 09:03 PM)darrenjlobb Wrote: Id imagine the stand / show area is going to be VERY tight / possibily a bit of an issue..coombe is a very small venue in terms of parking area compared to the likes of rockingham and donnington... cars going to be crammed in everywhere!

That said its an epic track, and you can walk right around it etc, good venue just think it could be a tad small!

I think it depends where the camping is held darren, If they were to use all areas all around the track, and use the feild across the road for camping/public parking (like rally day or japfest) FCS will struggle to fill it

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Grant - 13-01-2013

1. Nial
2. Scott & Kim
3. 4waydiablo
4. Pompey306mark
5. kingy
6. ginge
7. samass
8. srowell + 1
9. jacko
10. Strictly_douche
11. MissTap
12. Milkman
13. PE02KHG (ian)
14. Frosty
15. jimbo
16. puggyhdi (tom)
17. Rocker
18. matt
19. matt haskett
20. cwspellowe + Linzi + Phoenix + three turbos + four headgaskets
21. WiNgNuTz + 1
22. Jonny81191
23. Jake & Gemma
24. Monsieur Cheese
25. Oil-burner
26. londondan86 +1
27. Kentiiboii + the father!
28. c.gerrard
29. ash240970
30. Sandra
31. Andy
32. puglove
33. mrspuglove
34. Zekegti6
35. 7057sam
36. Ed and Mazz
37. Sean +1
38. Vaughan
39. THE_Liam
40. Grant

On this like saville in a creche!

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Kimmie - 14-01-2013

(13-01-2013, 11:12 PM)Pompey306mark Wrote: What happened in here? One minute I was moaning about dum-dum's poor excuse's then all goes mad and gets deleted?
I thought last year went well with all 4 clubs?? Most were at the same camp site and nothing really happened.

Would be good to get us all together again with a field away from other campers.

I know it's a bit far off but who's going to make a weekend of it? Friday, Saturday and Sunday?

Tidying up the thread to remove needless comments, no one likes going through pages of chat to find the details Smile

Although there were other clubs with us at the campsite, we were all very separate. Camping this year will be for ALL the clubs, including the likes of Saxperience, 106 lot etc. The comments made to issues in the past were a few years back, when it was still at Rockingham.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Matt - 14-01-2013

Won't know the stand layout for a few weeks yet.

There will be a thread for front now etc coming up soon Smile

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Scott - 14-01-2013

As Matt said, the stand layout won't be released for a short while, but we can start a thread for front row submissions in the next couple of weeks.

I just hope we don't get told we have X amount of space this year and end up with 2/3rds of what we were told (I. E. What happened last year).

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Kezzieboy - 14-01-2013

1. Nial
2. Scott & Kim
3. 4waydiablo
4. Pompey306mark
5. kingy
6. ginge
7. samass
8. srowell + 1
9. jacko
10. Strictly_douche
11. MissTap
12. Milkman
13. PE02KHG (ian)
14. Frosty
15. jimbo
16. puggyhdi (tom)
17. Rocker
18. matt
19. matt haskett
20. cwspellowe + Linzi + Phoenix + three turbos + four headgaskets
21. WiNgNuTz + 1
22. Jonny81191
23. Jake & Gemma
24. Monsieur Cheese
25. Oil-burner
26. londondan86 +1
27. Kentiiboii + the father!
28. c.gerrard
29. ash240970
30. Sandra
31. Andy
32. puglove
33. mrspuglove
34. Zekegti6
35. 7057sam
36. Ed and Mazz
37. Sean +1
38. Vaughan
39. THE_Liam
40. Grant
41. Kezzieboy +1

Only cost me like £10-£15 plus entry for last year, you dudes need to learn how to budget!

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Ed Doe - 14-01-2013

^what he said...

FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - kentiiboii - 14-01-2013

When will front row thread be up. Any idea how long for? Just buying my car Wednesday and have so much work that I need to do to it. I wanna make sure it's done on time this year so I have more chance of getting up front.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Niall - 14-01-2013

Im sure scott will confirm (because lets face it, fooby won't!) but i would of thought you've got a few months before the thread goes up. We still have to arrange a stand with the organisers yet and see what we have to work with Smile

FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - kentiiboii - 14-01-2013

(14-01-2013, 10:19 PM)Niall Wrote: Im sure scott will confirm (because lets face it, fooby won't!) but i would of thought you've got a few months before the thread goes up. We still have to arrange a stand with the organisers yet and see what we have to work with Smile

Nice one Smile. Most things will be sorted within a few weeks. But I have bonnet boot and bumpers to get painted. :p.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Scott - 14-01-2013

Once we've booked a stand we'll start taking submissions for the front row Smile Booking for stands starts in February, so I'd expect a thread to go up about 4-5 weeks from now, which will likely be open until the first week of June, when it will be closed for voting and layout organisation.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - the milkman - 14-01-2013

hmmmmm are 205s allowed on front row for this Angel

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Niall - 14-01-2013

IIRC there was one last year. But not yours....your northern

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - puglove - 15-01-2013

Just a heads up for the guy's who have never been to combe before. Due to the way its layed out up there and with the small amount of cars/clubs at fcs theres a good chance the whole stand will be front row. Dependent on where we are put. But fingers crossed hey

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - sam - 15-01-2013

1. Nial
2. Scott & Kim
3. 4waydiablo
4. Pompey306mark
5. kingy
6. ginge
7. samass
8. srowell + 1
9. jacko
10. Strictly_douche
11. MissTap
12. Milkman
13. PE02KHG (ian)
14. Frosty
15. jimbo
16. puggyhdi (tom)
17. Rocker
18. matt
19. matt haskett
20. cwspellowe + Linzi + Phoenix + three turbos + four headgaskets
21. WiNgNuTz + 1
22. Jonny81191
23. Jake & Gemma
24. Monsieur Cheese
25. Oil-burner
26. londondan86 +1
27. Kentiiboii + the father!
28. c.gerrard
29. ash240970
30. Sandra
31. Andy
32. puglove
33. mrspuglove
34. Zekegti6
35. 7057sam
36. Ed and Mazz
37. Sean +1
38. Vaughan
39. THE_Liam
40. Grant

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - darrenjlobb - 15-01-2013

Meh, to be fair, most of the members who dont have 306's have been on the forum for years, and put huge ammounts of effort / time into the forum etc...so why shouldnt they, its a french car afterall in most cases...NON french cars i totally agree / looks stupid, but french cars is fine as far as im concerned!

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Kimmie - 16-01-2013

(15-01-2013, 12:51 PM)Just Sean Wrote: IMO 205's shouldn't b allowed on theclub stand! Let alone the front row.

Its a 306 owners forum. You dont see novas and corsas on cavalier stands, just cos its got the same engine.

I think this year I'll try and get on the boxer van stand :/

Just my opinion though!

I understand what you're saying, but at the end of the day the front row is to show the 'best' cars that are part of the club, and the work done on them. It's also an advert for the club, and for other people to come along and see that one of our members has stuck a 306 diesel engine in a 205 is interesting to them.

A stock 205? Definitely not.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - gurj306 - 17-01-2013

Some one put my name down pleaseeee I'm using crappy blackberry! Much lovee Big Grin

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Poodle - 17-01-2013

I'll probably turn up just for the camping, show itself was a bit of a let-down last year tbh.

1. Nial
2. Scott & Kim
3. 4waydiablo
4. Pompey306mark
5. kingy
6. ginge
7. samass
8. srowell + 1
9. jacko
10. Strictly_douche
11. MissTap
12. Milkman
13. PE02KHG (ian)
14. Frosty
15. jimbo
16. puggyhdi (tom)
17. Rocker
18. matt
19. matt haskett
20. cwspellowe + Linzi + Phoenix + three turbos + four headgaskets
21. WiNgNuTz + 1
22. Jonny81191
23. Jake & Gemma
24. Monsieur Cheese
25. Oil-burner
26. londondan86 +1
27. Kentiiboii + the father!
28. c.gerrard
29. ash240970
30. Sandra
31. Andy
32. puglove
33. mrspuglove
34. Zekegti6
35. 7057sam
36. Ed and Mazz
37. Sean +1
38. Vaughan
39. THE_Liam
40. Grant
43. Gurj306
44. Poodle

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Niall - 17-01-2013

Epic list coming on here guys Big Grin

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - gurj306 - 17-01-2013

Cheeers poodle for addin me Big Grin and as for camping niall I'm with you lot like last year my 1st ever time camping and it was EPIC!!!

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - puglove - 17-01-2013

Surly packing up after isnt an issue asmost will be stayin sat night aswell?

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Niall - 17-01-2013

Well i know i said i would wait until March to start looking for sites but the poll has gone a lot more one sided than i thought it ever would!! Will start looking for some sites with the help of Puglove and get something arranged soon Smile

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - WiNgNuTz - 17-01-2013

I know its still early, but if we're not going to be camping on-site, have we got any idea of roughly how much the camping will cost for the weekend? Huh

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Niall - 17-01-2013

Last year it was £5 pppn which was very reasonable but dont forget its cheaper up north because no one likes north. Im not going to consider any sites over £10pppn.

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - WiNgNuTz - 17-01-2013

So we'll still be looking at the same price as if we were camping on-site then. I like this. Big Grin

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Oil-burner - 17-01-2013

(15-01-2013, 01:14 PM)puglove Wrote: its about what you put into the community and not what you own

Just my.opinion anyway

Thats your penis on the front row then sammas! Lol

RE: FCS 2013 - Castle Coombe - 27th-28th July - Niall - 17-01-2013

(17-01-2013, 07:14 PM)WiNgNuTz Wrote: So we'll still be looking at the same price as if we were camping on-site then. I like this. Big Grin

Yep im not considering it if its any more than that. Jamie (pug love) lives really close so hes going to go and scope out the site in mind tomorrow Smile