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Astor hdi daily - Printable Version

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RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - ozonehostile - 10-11-2015

I was going to go full blown stage 2 but screw it. Just bang a Valeo in there and be done with it lol. 

Besides, I have a very expensive parcel arriving for the gti6 that's going to need my attention Wink

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - Poodle - 11-11-2015

Tbf would love to see you do it properly on a helix or similar, but anything from cg on these is a waste of time imo.

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - Matt-Rallye - 11-11-2015

(10-11-2015, 06:20 PM)ozonehostile Wrote: I was going to go full blown stage 2 but screw it. Just bang a Valeo in there and be done with it lol. 

Besides, I have a very expensive parcel arriving for the gti6 that's going to need my attention Wink

Oh yeah dude you definitely need to whatsapp me on my 'end of the month' phone lol   got a little nugget of information Tongue

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - zafira2014 - 11-11-2015

Hi any one no how to post stuff for sale as breaking stage 2 306 hdi d turbo

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - Frosty - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 06:25 PM)zafira2014 Wrote: Hi any one no how to post stuff for sale as breaking stage 2 306 hdi d turbo

You need to have a certain amount of posts before you can post in the sale section i think

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - zafira2014 - 11-11-2015

Oh ok thanks

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - ozonehostile - 15-11-2015

Finally cleaned 3 months worth of mud and soot off, seemed like it was about an inch deep up the sides and boot lmao

Looks pretty good clean tbf, even at tractor ride height. 

Changing the clutch again tomorrow morning and praying that's the last of my friction issues 

[Image: IMG_20151115_165733_zpsuxjnut8c.jpg]

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - Frosty - 15-11-2015

Looking tidy mate, lets hope it behaves once the clutch is fitted how its clean Smile

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - ozonehostile - 15-11-2015

(15-11-2015, 06:42 PM)Frosty Wrote: Looking tidy mate, lets hope it behaves once the clutch is fitted how its clean Smile

Got a genuine Valeo kit to go in now and see how it behaves. Looking forward to seeing what's been happening inside the box for a paddle clutch to die so quickly

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - ozonehostile - 19-11-2015

[Image: IMG_20151117_195314_zps1kn9gmic.jpg]

Second clutch change of the month done and bedded in.  No problems at all so far with a Valeo in. 

Cambelt to do on robs astor hdi today then I think this one needs to be hit with the lowering stick :p

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - ozonehostile - 20-11-2015

Spent an evening organising for tomorrow:

Gti6 calipers taken apart, cleaned, greased and reassembled with new pads and sliders (after 2 hours drilling an old seized one out of the carrier) 

Replacement rear beam cleaned up, gti6 arb cleaned and fitted, disc heat shields replaced, new discs and new beam mounts. 

For the front  new track rod ends, new top mounts, 40mm lowering springs and a powerflex lower engine mount. 

Busy day  tomorrow

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - Matt-Rallye - 21-11-2015

Your a tart!

And you owe me a slider pin Wink my poor parts rallye lol

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - bashbarnard - 21-11-2015

I think ive got a spare slider pin kicking about i can bring to christmas meet if you really just need the 1

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - ozonehostile - 21-11-2015

I just needed a slider to get the brakes back together, one of those ultra annoying things that happen when you're in the middle of something as always. But thanks Matt, don't know what I'd do without being able to come over and temporarily relieve you of Peugeot parts :p

Beam was knocking alot so decided to go ahead and do it:

Gti6 beam with 21mm torsion bars built up to replace the cambered tractor height beam.  It's had a replacement beam before in the service history but it's not a gti6/dturbo beam, piddley little arb and torsion bars off a cabby by the looks, lowred what I hope is about 40mm on the new one :Smile

[Image: 20151121_131051_zpsm0o4xwoq.jpg]

Beam on with new pads and discs, shocks, brake hoses and a new line that I had to make since the original snapped,  new beam mounts and exhaust clamps. 
[Image: 20151121_185358_zps8wyafmfb.jpg]

On the front I've got some gti180 shocks that I figured would be a better option than the leaking originals, new top mounts and bearings, new droplinks, 40mm lowering springs, new discs and Mintex 1144 pads, 6 calipers and brake hoses. 

Pictures to follow tomorrow when it's back on its wheels Smile

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - Piggy - 21-11-2015

Now its time to sell it or crash it Tongue

Good effort fella Smile

RE: Astor hdi, paddle clutch and many new things - Paul_13 - 22-11-2015

106 rallye looks nice

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - Matt-Rallye - 23-11-2015

(22-11-2015, 09:15 AM)Paul_13 Wrote: 106 rallye looks nice

Emphasis on 'Looks' there Tongue

Good work zakk! this thing is slowly coming together Smile

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - ozonehostile - 23-11-2015

Aha, from about 30ft away the rallye looks great, until you see the shit paint condition and rust :p I've moved it from the back the other night in an attempt to make a start on it finally haha.

In other news, the hdi is almost 100 percent, need to bleed a tiny bit of air out of the brakes tonight, but the new beam has certainly done it's job, totally different car to drive now

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - ozonehostile - 02-12-2015

Since it's been behaving so well for the last few thousand miles I treated it to new tyres, had the tracking issues sorted and did some astor masks headlights. Looks alright now I guess. Might lower the back another 5mm or so yet as a 306 doesn't quite look right with the front and rear completely level aha 

[Image: IMG_20151130_192205_zpsaqc6tllp.jpg]

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - ozonehostile - 11-12-2015

Decided that the knackered lower engine mount was the source of an ongoing knock I've been hearing so whipped it out last night and fitted a powerflex mount in there in its place. The old one had snapped out of the shell and I was able to push it out by hand haha. 

Much better now though, acceleration is much improved and the knock has gone :Smile

Just a wheel bearing to sort now... 

[Image: 20151210_201325_zpskmwrrzej.jpg]

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - bashbarnard - 11-12-2015

Oh dear that does look f*cked lol. Never had one i can push out by hand yet although my lower mount is getting there.

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - Poodle - 12-12-2015

Wow yeah that's pretty far gone, must have been horrible to drive. lmao

Astor hdi, it works now - Frosty - 12-12-2015

How you finding the power flex bush on a HDi?

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - ozonehostile - 12-12-2015

(12-12-2015, 08:33 AM)Frosty Wrote: How you finding the power flex bush on a HDi?

It rattles the glove box lid quite badly but it feels a million times better to drive than before. All of the torque actually goes to the wheels now instead of twisting the engine around lol

(12-12-2015, 08:15 AM)Poodle Wrote: Wow yeah that's pretty far gone, must have been horrible to drive. lmao

The engine moved so much the exhaust kept hitting the subframe lol

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - Orta - 12-12-2015

That last glory pic looks great mate. So pleased you've got it all working.

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - ozonehostile - 13-12-2015

(12-12-2015, 09:27 PM)Orta Wrote: That last glory pic looks great mate. So pleased you've got it all working.

Thanks mate Smile

(12-12-2015, 09:27 PM)Orta Wrote: That last glory pic looks great mate. So pleased you've got it all working.

Thanks mate Smile

Replaced the wheel bearing earlier. All went well until it came to refit the brake caliper and had a bit of an issue with a stripped thread. 

The 12x1.5 thread was too far gone so I've drilled it out, put a new shoulder on the hole and cut a 12x1.75 thread and an insert. Longest it's probably ever taken someone to refit a 306 hub and the biggest pain in the arse but it saved having to get a new hub

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - ozonehostile - 18-12-2015

Small issue yesterday, went to overtake a car going up hill, started coaling like I've never believed possible from an hdi then it died. Right on the inside of a blind corner! 

Got it back home after it eventually started and it seemed that injector number 4 had blown it's seal and sprayed diesel bloody everywhere! 

New seals and yet another set of injectors and it's all good again. Always a constant journey of repairs it seems but I still love it :p

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - Matt-Rallye - 19-12-2015

lmao i am actually starting to like this car becuase of its broad range of fuelling issues lol

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - ozonehostile - 19-12-2015

(19-12-2015, 08:31 AM)Matt-Rallye Wrote: lmao i am actually starting to like this car becuase of its broad range of fuelling issues lol

Every journey is a gamble if I'll see an engine management light :lmao

Extra points for breaking down after just overtaking a seat cupra haha

RE: Astor hdi, it works now - RetroPug - 19-12-2015

This is going to be like trigger's broom eventually. lmao
What shit luck you're having with it